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Environmental Pollution Events and Emergency Response Introduction (edX)

In this course, we will discuss and analyze major environmental pollution incidents at home and abroad, in terms of the responses to these incidents, as well as the management of environmental emergencies, to gain a deep understanding of these environmental issues.

Development in Emerging Economies: The Case of China (edX)

Curious about China's development and the Chinese market but haven't known where to start? Peking University brings you an easy-to-understand primer. Guanghua's professors will unpack China's development over five weeks, first giving an overview of China's economic growth as context before addressing private equity, real estate financing, banking, the [...]

中级汉语语法 | Intermediate Chinese Grammar (edX)

这门课将帮助学习者关注和理解汉语的语法特点,解决汉语学习中的语法难点,提高准确、恰当地运用语法知识进行说、读、写、译的能力。Learn Chinese grammatical concepts to improve your Chinese language skills in speaking, reading, writing and translating.

Fundamental Algorithms 算法基础 (edX)

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Fundamental Algorithms  算法基础 (edX)
Course Auditing
本课程内容程涵盖枚举、二分、贪心、递归、深度优先搜索、广度优先搜索、动态规划等基本算法。 This course covers some fundamental algorithms, including enumeration, binary search, greedy, recursion, DFS, BFS, and dynamic programming.

魅力机器人 | The Fascinating World of Robots and Robotics (edX)

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魅力机器人 | The Fascinating World of Robots and Robotics (edX)
Free Course
本课程将引领学生进入迷人的机器人世界,深入感受机器人的无穷魅力。 This course will cover robots and robotics in a way that will provide students with an appreciation of the charming and fascinating world of the robot.

数据结构与算法第二部分 | Data Structures and Algorithms Part 2 (edX)

这门课程将帮助学生学习如何运用数据结构和算法解决复杂的实际问题。 | This course will help students learn to use data and algorithms to solve complex real-world problems.

身边的营养学 | Nutrition Around You (edX)

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身边的营养学 | Nutrition Around You (edX)
Free Course
以生活中常见案例为载体,介绍维持人类健康的各种营养素的特点、生理功能、食物来源以及与疾病的关系,帮助学生树立科学的饮食观念。 Based on common cases in daily life, this introductory course provides an overview of the principles of nutritional sciences. You will learn about the features, physiological functions, and food sources of nutrients.

数据结构与算法第一部分 | Data Structures and Algorithms Part 1 (edX)

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数据结构与算法第一部分 | Data Structures and Algorithms Part 1 (edX)
Free Course
这门课程将帮助学生学习如何运用数据结构和算法解决复杂的实际问题。 | This course will help students learn to use data and algorithms to solve complex real-world problems.

更年期综合管理 | Integrated Health Management Strategies for Menopause (edX)

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更年期综合管理 | Integrated Health Management Strategies for Menopause (edX)
Free Course
本课程提供更年期综合管理方案,包括改善生活方式、合理用药等,并对相关知识进行系统讲解,突出精华和实用性。This course provides a comprehensive management program menopause, including improved lifestyle, rational drug use, etc., and explain the relevant knowledge systems, highlighting the essence and practicality.