Public Sector

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Politics and Ethics of Data Analytics in the Public Sector (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Politics and Ethics of Data Analytics in the Public Sector (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Deepen your understanding of the power and politics of data in the public sector, including how values — in addition to data and evidence — are always part of public sector decision-making. In this course, you will explore common ethical challenges associated with data, data analytics, and randomized controlled [...]

AI & Law (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
AI & Law (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This four-week course titled AI and Law explores the way in which the increasing use of artificially intelligent technologies (AI) affects the practice and administration of law defined in a broad sense. Subject matters discussed include the connection be between AI and Law in the context of legal responsibility, [...]

Public Sector Efficiency: Optimizing Business Processes (Coursera)

Business Process Optimization (BPO) is essential for the public sector to deliver effective services, meet citizens' needs, and achieve organizational goals. We equip public sector professionals with concepts, methods, and examples, to support their agendas in alignment with their government or public sector organization's vision and goals. [...]

Statistiques de finances publiques (edX)

Ce cours examine les éléments conceptuels et pratiques de la compilation et de la diffusion des statistiques budgétaires selon les normes internationales, utiles pour évaluer l’impact des activités des administrations publiques sur l'économie d'un pays et pour faciliter les comparaisons [...]

¿Cómo hacer uso responsable de la inteligencia artificial en el sector público? (edX)

Este MOOC aborda los conceptos, principios, desafíos y oportunidades del uso ético y responsable de la inteligencia artificial (IA) para el sector público. Presenta herramientas para garantizar estándares mínimos, así como para fortalecer la calidad de los datos y de los modelos de IA desde su diseño hasta su [...]

Transforming Citizen Participation (FutureLearn)

Dec 20th 2021
Transforming Citizen Participation (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Discover the best techniques to encourage citizen participation and learn how to engage at all levels of the public sector. Explore innovative ways to communicate within the public sector. Citizen participation is an important part of democracy. It requires citizen involvement in public decisions as well as communication at [...]