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Engaging in Persuasive and Credible Communication (Coursera)

In "Engaging in Persuasive and Credible Communication", you will learn the key skill of persuasion, in the context of professional communication in a globalised world. Persuasive communication is essential to any professional workplace. From a simple email request for your colleague to help you, to developing a presentation [...]

Leadership Through Social Influence (Coursera)

This course will provide learners with a systematic general framework for analyzing persuasive influence situations. Learners will be able to identify different challenges faced by persuaders and to fashion appropriate strategies for addressing those challenges. The broad goal is to provide learners with not only an extensive persuasion tool [...]

Removing Barriers to Change (Coursera)

What does it mean to truly change something? How does one persuade others to change? How do we reduce roadblocks to change? In this course, you’ll learn about the barriers to change and how to become more effective in inspiring change within others and your organization.

Influence (Coursera)

What does it mean to be influential? How does one persuade others to pursue a unified goal? How does one leverage power? In this course, you’ll learn how to develop influence and to become more effective in achieving your organizational goals. Professor Cade Massey of the Wharton School has [...]

Leadership and Influence (Coursera)

The only thing you get to change is yourself, and in the prerequisites to this course we’ve given you real tools to do that. Now, use those tools to influence the course of your future, your team's future, and your organization's future. Make a plan for yourself that will [...]

Consumer Psychology in the Financial Industry (edX)

Self Paced
Consumer Psychology in the Financial Industry (edX)
Course Auditing
Financial Marketing Psychology is about comprehending the nuances of human behaviour and howhumans behave to marketing stimuli, nudges and situations. Dealing with relatively intangible entities such as financial services is a challenge as consumers find financial services hard to evaluate.Understanding consumer psychology is relevant to strengthen customer [...]

Fundamentals of Negotiation (edX)

Negotiation is an art. Humans have been instinctively negotiating and displaying this behaviour almost since the beginning of civilization. Negotiating skills helped Homo Spaiens to survive and grow. It started with simple bargains and has now reached to a situation of very complex negotiations. The complexity in negotiations increased [...]

Communication theory: bridging academia and practice (Coursera)

This course is about communication on various levels. Over these 9 weeks we will cover a number of theories, cases and applications in the field of communication science. We will start with the foundational concepts of communication theory, defining what the theory is and going through a number of [...]

Persuasion and Presence for Program and Project Managers (edX)

Logic is not enough. Program managers need presence and to move stakeholders emotionally. Project professionals only follow people they both respect and trust. Learn to apply Aristotle’s persuasion triad to create successful communication that persuades.

Making Impactful Presentations (edX)

This course is archived
Making Impactful Presentations (edX)
Course Auditing
The course is about leaders learning to design and deliver engaging and effective presentations with maximum impact to achieve the desired and realistic outcomes through use of various soft skills. As leaders, have you ever tried making presentations to people and failed to make an impact on them? Were [...]