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Aléatoire : une introduction aux probabilités - Partie 1 (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Aléatoire : une introduction aux probabilités - Partie 1 (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Ce cours d'introduction aux probabilités a la même contenu que le cours de tronc commun de première année de l'École polytechnique donné par Sylvie Méléard. Le cours introduit graduellement la notion de variable aléatoire et culmine avec la loi des grands nombres et le théorème de la limite centrale. [...]

Introduction to Linear Algebra (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Introduction to Linear Algebra (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Linear algebra and calculus are the two most important foundational pillars on which modern mathematics is built. They are studied by almost all mathematics students at university, though typically labelled as different subjects and taught in parallel. Over time, students discover that linear algebra and calculus are inseparable (but [...]

Pre-MBA Quantitative Skills: Data Analysis (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Pre-MBA Quantitative Skills: Data Analysis (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course will equip students with the quantitative skills needed to begin any Masters of Business Administration program. The goal is not to build foundational skills or expert mastery but rather, to provide some middle ground to “shake the rust off” skills that a typical MBA student probably knows, [...]
May 13th 2024
Course Auditing
46.00 EUR/month

Differential Equations Part II Series Solutions (Coursera)

This introductory courses on (Ordinary) Differential Equations are mainly for the people, who need differential equations mostly for the practical use in their own fields. So we try to provide basic terminologies, concepts, and methods of solving various types of differential equations as well as a rudimentary but indispensable [...]

Applied Calculus with Python (Coursera)

This course is designed for the Python programmer who wants to develop the foundations of Calculus to help solve challenging problems as well as the student of mathematics looking to learn the theory and numerical techniques of applied calculus implemented in Python. By the end of this course, you [...]

Algebra and Differential Calculus for Data Science (Coursera)

Are you interested in Data Science but lack the math background for it? Has math always been a tough subject that you tend to avoid? This course will teach you the most fundamental Calculus concepts that you will need for a career in Data Science without a ton of [...]

Essential Linear Algebra for Data Science (Coursera)

Are you interested in Data Science but lack the math background for it? Has math always been a tough subject that you tend to avoid? This course will teach you the most fundamental Linear Algebra that you will need for a career in Data Science without a ton of [...]

Math for AI beginner part 1 Linear Algebra (Coursera)

'Learn concept of AI such as machine learning, deep-learning, support vector machine which is related to linear algebra. Learn how to use linear algebra for AI algorithm. After completing this course, you are able to understand AI algorithm and basics of linear algebra for AI applications.

TSI Math Prep MOOC (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
TSI Math Prep MOOC (Coursera)
Free Course
The purpose of this course is to review and practice key concepts in preparation for the math portion of the Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSI2). The TSI2 is series of placement tests for learners enrolling in public universities in Texas. This MOOC will cover the four main [...]