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Ideas from the History of Graphic Design (Coursera)

This condensed survey course focuses on four key periods or themes from the history of design. Together we’ll trace the emergence of design as a recognized practice, why things look the way they do, and how designers approached specific design problems in their work.

The Modern World, Part Two: Global History since 1910 (Coursera)

This is a survey of modern history from a global perspective. Part Two begins early in the twentieth century, as older ways of doing things and habits of thought give way. What follows is an era of cataclysmic struggles over what ideas and institutions will take their place.

Magic in the Middle Ages (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Magic in the Middle Ages (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Magical thought has always attracted human imagination. In this course we will introduce you to the Middle Ages through a wide conception of magic. Students will have an approach to medieval culture, beliefs and practices from the perspective of History and History of Science. Popular magic, as well as [...]

Miracles of Human Language: An Introduction to Linguistics (Coursera)

Everywhere, every day, everybody uses language. There is no human society, no matter how small or how isolated, which does not employ a language that is rich and diverse. This course introduces you to linguistics, featuring interviews with well-known linguists and with speakers of many different languages. Join us [...]

中國古代歷史與人物--秦始皇 (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
中國古代歷史與人物--秦始皇 (Coursera)
Course Auditing
本課程是作為歷史入門通識而設計,重點在於藉由歷史教育啟發同學的思維,而非背誦歷史知識。具體的課程目標,是為了讓修課同學感到: (一)有趣:重新發現學習歷史的樂趣。 (二)有用:重新認識學習歷史的價值。

Age of Jefferson (Coursera)

This course provides an overview of Thomas Jefferson's work and perspectives presented by the University of Virginia in partnership with Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. Together, UVA and Monticello are recognized internationally as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Kennedy Half Century (Coursera)

When John F. Kennedy entered the presidential limousine at Love Field in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963, he began his ride into history. That journey continues even today and we call it the Kennedy legacy. This course will explore the Presidency, assassination, and lasting legacy of President John [...]

Plagues, Witches, and War: The Worlds of Historical Fiction (Coursera)

A unique and exciting introduction to the genre and craft of historical fiction, for curious students, aspiring authors--anyone with a passion for the past. Read classics of the genre, encounter bestselling writers of historical fiction, and discover your own historical archive while interacting with a global community of interested [...]

Søren Kierkegaard - Subjectivity, Irony and the Crisis of Modernity (Coursera)

In this course created by former associate professor at the Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, Jon Stewart, we will explore how Kierkegaard deals with the problems associated with relativism, the lack of meaning and the undermining of religious faith that are typical of modern life. His penetrating analyses are still [...]

The Mediterranean, a Space of Exchange (from the Renaissance to Enlightenment) (Coursera)

Apr 26th 2024
The Mediterranean, a Space of Exchange (from the Renaissance to Enlightenment) (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The course The Mediterranean, a Space of Exchange (from Renaissance to Enlightenment) aims to explain the Mediterranean, using history and the analysis of the past, as a space generated by routes and circulation. We consider it crucial to disclose mobility as a historical factor: a mobility comprised of four [...]