Healthy Lifestyle

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Mindfulness_An Approach to Stress Reduction (Coursera)

An essential guide to cultivating a healthy mindset and a stress-free lifestyle through practicing the art of mindfulness meditation—a discipline that ultimately leads to a profound understanding ourselves and our surroundings. Mindfulness is a simple, yet effective practice achievable by all people of all ages. It alleviates stress and [...]

Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health (Coursera)

In today’s world, mental illness and distress are common and these account for a significant burden of disability within our community. At the same time, there is a growing interest in understanding and enhancing positive mental health and wellbeing; particularly from developments in the fields of positive psychology and [...]

Cancer Prevention Web-Based Activity (Coursera)

This web-based video course focuses on the importance of prevention and risk reduction in decreasing cancer occurrences. All learners will need to watch the video modules, read associated articles, and achieve a passing score of 80% on quizzes in order to complete the course. After completing the course, learners [...]

Nutrition for Healthy Ageing (edX)

Feb 20th 2024
Nutrition for Healthy Ageing (edX)
Course Auditing
What you eat and how you live has a big impact on your physical and mental health. But can it also slow down ageing? Be empowered by the science behind diet and the ageing body. Join us and learn to take control of your ageing process!

Nutrition for Health and Sustainability (FutureLearn)

Learn what makes up a healthy, sustainable diet and how certain food types can help to treat and prevent disease. Explore the relationship between health, nutrition, and sustainability. Diet is the biggest single risk factor for preventable diseases in the world and a key driver of diabetes, heart disease, [...]

Nutrition for a Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle (edX)

Self Paced
Nutrition for a Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle (edX)
Course Auditing
An introduction to basic principles of human nutrition with emphasis on nutrients, food sources, and function of nutrients within the human body. Nutritional requirements throughout the life span are addressed, as well as the impact of cultural, psychological, and physiological dimensions.

Fitness corporativo (edX)

Toma el control de tu vida y aprende a abatir el sedentarismo y los problemas de salud vinculados a la era industrial para construir una cultura de salud en tu vida personal y profesional. ¿Quién tiene tiempo para hacer ejercicio hoy en día? Las ajetreadas agendas de las personas [...]

Connected Healthcare: Gesundheitsdaten im Alltag erfassen und analysieren (openHPI)

Sep 15th 2021
Connected Healthcare: Gesundheitsdaten im Alltag erfassen und analysieren (openHPI)
Free Course
Wir kennen sie bereits aus unserem Alltag: Fitnessarmbänder und Apps, die uns dabei unterstützen, gesünder zu leben und unsere persönlichen Gesundheitsdaten im Blick zu behalten. Der Kurs "Connected Healthcare" beschäftigt sich mit dem Erfassen und der Analyse von gesundheits-relevanten Daten aus dem täglichen Leben. Teilnehmende lernen die Grundlagen für [...]

Optimal Health Course (Lead Academy)

Self Paced
Optimal Health Course (Lead Academy)
Free Course
Whether you are self-taught and you want to fill in the gaps for better efficiency and productivity, this Optimal Health Course course will set you up with a solid foundation to become a confident Optimal Health Course and develop more advanced skills. This comprehensive Optimal Health Course course is [...]

Get Uncomfortable! Creatively Releasing (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Get Uncomfortable! Creatively Releasing (Skillshare)
Free Course
Michelle Rainville here, and in this series we will learn to get comfortable getting uncomfortable, process our pasts, and create meaningful connections to ourselves while creating healthier habits for the future. We will be working on creatively releasing in our first lesson. As a growth focused artist, trauma survivor, [...]