Google Analytics

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Analíticas y Métricas de Marketing (Coursera)

En este primer curso se comprenderá el comportamiento de los usuarios y el impacto en la medición de interacciones que se dan en las Páginas web, Landing page o búsquedas de información de navegadores tradicionales. También podremos distinguir las principales herramientas de la analítica que se utilizan en el [...]

Marketing Digital (Coursera)

Aprenda a desenvolver a estratégia de marketing digital para a sua empresa ou startup, nesse curso você irá aprender sobre os principais pontos do Marketing como ROI, SEO, SEM, Testes AB e como gerenciar o funil de conversão e também como usar plataformas como Google adwords e Analytics, Facebook [...]

Digital Marketing Analytics (Coursera)

Welcome to the Digital Marketing Analytics course! We live in an era of digital technology and most marketing activities are shifting to digital platforms. It is indispensable for businesses to proactively take action on their websites, social media, blogs, and other digital platforms and to carefully examine the intent [...]

Assess for Success: Marketing Analytics and Measurement (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Assess for Success: Marketing Analytics and Measurement (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Assess for Success: Marketing Analytics and Measurement is the fifth of seven courses in the Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Certificate. This course explores marketing analytics practices and tools. Digital marketing and e-commerce professionals are expected to analyze data from various sources (such as web pages, digital marketing channels, [...]

Marketing Analytics Foundation (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Marketing Analytics Foundation (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course lays the foundation of marketing analytics. You’ll learn the basic principles of marketing, the role data analysis plays in digital marketing and how data is collected and managed.

Create an A/B web page marketing test with Google Optimize (Coursera)

In this 1.5-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to create an A/B web page marketing test with Google Optimize and Google Analytics, personalizing weight option, goals, targeting, activation, and using a sample Google Sites to practice.

Digital Skills: Web Analytics (FutureLearn)

Aug 15th 2022
Digital Skills: Web Analytics (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Learn about the role of web analytics in business, the types of analytics and how to use different techniques. Explore the world of web analytics and develop skills to grow your career. What is web analytics? And why are web analytics important? With this course, you’ll explore some of [...]

Fundamentos del marketing digital (edX)

Aprende todo lo que necesitas saber para que tu marca o empresa se posicione en el mercado, obtenga nuevos clientes, aumente sus ventas y rentabilice al máximo la inversión en marketing digital. En este curso se presentan los conceptos básicos del marketing digital.

Introducción a Google Analytics (Coursera)

Mar 7th 2022
Introducción a Google Analytics (Coursera)
Free Course
En este curso, vas a aprender cómo conectar tu sitio web a Google Analytics. Podrás utilizar Google Analytics para comprender el rendimiento de tu sitio web y los diferentes datos que se generan una vez esta instalado en tu pagina. Te vas a familiarizar con la interfaz de Google [...]

Google Analytics Course: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide (FutureLearn)

Oct 25th 2021
Google Analytics Course: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Master basic and advanced Google Analytics to drive up your website traffic and overall performance. Understand and optimise website traffic with this Google Analytics course. Google Analytics offers insights that allow businesses to maximise sales, build effective referral strategies, and more. There’s no better web analytics tool, and this [...]