Game Development

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Game Design and Development 1: 2D Shooter (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Game Design and Development 1: 2D Shooter (Coursera)
Course Auditing
If you love games and want to learn how to make them, then this course will start you down that path. Making games is a creative and technical art form. In this course you will familiarize yourself with the tools and practices of game development and well as the [...]

Game Design and Development 3: 3D Shooter (Coursera)

If you love games and want to learn how to make them, then this course is your third step down that path. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of game design, including an understanding of level design, game balancing, prototyping, and playtesting, as well as game asset [...]

Game Developers and Esports Organizations (Coursera)

Before you can have an Esport, you must have a video game to play and a game developer to design it. This course is dedicated to discussing game developers and their relationship with their respective Esport. The content will help you recognize the qualities a video game must have [...]

Emprendimiento y métodos ágiles de desarrollo en videojuegos (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Emprendimiento y métodos ágiles de desarrollo en videojuegos (Coursera)
Course Auditing
¡Bienvenido al curso de emprendimiento y métodos ágiles de desarrollo en videojuegos! Este curso es parte del Programa Especializado Coursera en Diseño y Desarrollo de Videojuegos, en la cual aprenderás a diseñar y programar cierto tipo de videojuegos, aumentarás tu comprensión acerca del mercado actual de videojuegos y [...]

Games, Sensors and Media (Coursera)

You will learn to make fluid digital interactive experiences that are suitable for gaming and use the advanced sensor hardware built into the iPhone and iPad. This includes drawing 2D graphics, playing sounds and music, integrating with Game Center, the iOS physics engine and detecting device orientation and [...]

Introduction to Game Design: Game Systems and Balance (edX)

Self Paced
Introduction to Game Design: Game Systems and Balance (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn the deep mechanics of good system design that is both fun and rewarding for the gamer. Game designers create the ideas and worlds of games—they design the environment, characters, game mechanics, goals and user experience. Successful game designers do this by applying the fundamentals of game system design [...]

History of Games: 1990 to the late 2000s (edX)

Self Paced
History of Games: 1990 to the late 2000s (edX)
Course Auditing
Discover the technological breakthroughs, gadgets and consoles that revolutionized the gaming industry. It’s now time to continue your captivating journey through the history of gaming. In this second course, you will learn about the technological advancements of the early 1990s and the development of the fourth- and fifth-generation video [...]