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Habilidades de Excel para negócios: Fundamentos (Coursera)

Neste primeiro curso da especialização Habilidades de Excel para negócios, você aprenderá os fundamentos do Microsoft Excel. Dentro de seis semanas, você poderá navegar habilmente pela interface de usuário do Excel, realizar cálculos básicos com fórmulas e funções, formatar planilhas profissionalmente e criar visualizações de dados por meio de [...]

Compétences Excel pour l’entreprise : les notions clés (Coursera)

Dans ce premier cours de la spécialisation Compétences Excel pour l’entreprise, vous apprendrez les bases de Microsoft Excel. Dans un délai de six semaines, vous serez en mesure de naviguer de manière experte dans l'interface utilisateur d'Excel, d'effectuer des calculs de base avec des formules et des fonctions, de [...]

Mathematics for Computer Science (Coursera)

Welcome to Introduction to Numerical Mathematics. This is designed to give you part of the mathematical foundations needed to work in computer science in any of its strands, from business to visual digital arts, music, games.

Excel Skills for Business: Essentials (Coursera)

In this first course of the specialization Excel Skills for Business you will learn the Essentials of Microsoft Excel. Within six weeks, you will learn to expertly navigate the Excel user interface, perform basic calculations with formulas and functions, professionally format spreadsheets, and create visualizations of data through charts [...]

Data Science Math Skills (Coursera)

Data science courses contain math—no avoiding that! This course is designed to teach learners the basic math you will need in order to be successful in almost any data science math course and was created for learners who have basic math skills but may not have taken algebra [...]

Advanced Data Structures in Java (Coursera)

How does Google Maps plan the best route for getting around town given current traffic conditions? How does an internet router forward packets of network traffic to minimize delay? How does an aid group allocate resources to its affiliated local partners? To solve such problems, we first represent the [...]

Algorithms on Graphs (Coursera)

If you have ever used a navigation service to find optimal route and estimate time to destination, you've used algorithms on graphs. Graphs arise in various real-world situations as there are road networks, computer networks and, most recently, social networks! If you're looking for the fastest time to get [...]

Algebra: Elementary to Advanced - Functions & Applications (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Algebra: Elementary to Advanced - Functions & Applications (Coursera)
Course Auditing
After completing this course, students will learn how to successfully apply functions to model different data and real world occurrences. This course reviews the concept of a function and then provide multiple examples of common and uncommon types of functions used in a variety of disciplines. Formulas, domains, [...]

Trees and Graphs: Basics (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Trees and Graphs: Basics (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Basic algorithms on tree data structures, binary search trees, self-balancing trees, graph data structures and basic traversal algorithms on graphs. This course also covers advanced topics such as kd-trees for spatial data and algorithms for spatial data. Trees and Graphs: Basics can be taken for academic credit as part [...]

Information Visualization: Foundations (Coursera)

The main goal of this specialization is to provide the knowledge and practical skills necessary to develop a strong foundation on information visualization and to design and develop advanced applications for visual data analysis. This course aims at introducing fundamental knowledge for information visualization. The main goal is to [...]