Data Literacy

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Digital Literacy (Coursera)

The online course in Digital Literacy offered by HSE University was designed to help the students acquire various competencies that will enable them to safely and effectively use digital technologies and Internet resources in an academic and professional context. The Digital Literacy course is a step-by-step guide covering various [...]

Digital Future Literacy - Fit für die digitale Zukunft (openHPI)

Im Zuge der Digitalisierung müssen sich viele heute im Erwerbsleben stehende Menschen beruflich weiterqualifizieren. Zunehmend gebraucht werden nicht nur technologische Fähigkeiten wie Umgang mit Software oder Programmierung, sondern die neuen digitalen Geschäfts- und Arbeitsprozesse erfordern verstärkt digitale und nicht-digitale Schlüsselfähigkeiten (digital future literacy). Dazu zählen u.a. Data Literacy, Kollaboration, [...]

Getting Started with Teaching Data Science in Schools (FutureLearn)

Sep 13th 2021
Getting Started with Teaching Data Science in Schools (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn the basics of data science and how to introduce data science in the classroom. Learn practical ways to teach data science. Understanding how to use and interpret data will be essential for the next generation, but many schools and teachers aren’t equipped to teach basic data science to [...]

Essentials of Data Literacy (edX)

Learn how to read, work with, and analyze data. Future-proof your career. In this course, you will practice analyzing, visualizing, and communicating with data, using real datasets and examples that are relevant to a variety of audiences and academic disciplines. Data is part of every field, but not everyone [...]