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Design Strategies for Maximizing Total Data Quality (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Design Strategies for Maximizing Total Data Quality (Coursera)
Course Auditing
By the end of this third course in the Total Data Quality Specialization, learners will be able to: learn about design tools and techniques for maximizing TDQ across all stages of the TDQ framework during a data collection or a data gathering process; identify aspects of the data generating [...]

Research Methodologies (Coursera)

This course focuses on research methodologies. In this vein, the focus will be placed on qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, sampling approaches, and primary and secondary data collection. The course begins with a discussion on qualitative research approaches, looking at focus groups, personal interviews, ethnography, case studies and action [...]

Pesquisa de Mercado com Métodos Quantitativos (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Pesquisa de Mercado com Métodos Quantitativos. Este curso tem como objetivo introduzir o aluno no ambiente da pesquisa quantitativa, discutindo o processo de desenvolvimento de instrumentos de coleta de dados, selecionando amostras, coletando e analisando os dados.

Pesquisa de Mercado com Métodos Qualitativos (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Pesquisa de Mercado com Métodos Qualitativos. Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre a pesquisa qualitativa em marketing. As metodologias de pesquisa que fazem parte desta categoria serão discutidas, tendo como pano de fundo seu uso no contexto da tomada de decisão gerencial de [...]

Operational Context and Data (Coursera)

By the end of this course, learners are empowered to implement data-driven process improvement objectives at their organization. The course covers: the business case for IoT (Internet of Things), the strategic importance of aligning operations and performance goals, best practices for collecting data, and facilitating a process mapping activity [...]

Strategies for Effective Engagement (Coursera)

Being a successful professional requires creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial thinking, and to continually have a problem-solving mindset. As a systems thinker, you are expected to engage complex problems from multiple perspectives and different angles, viewing them holistically. This course exposes the student to a variety of tools used to [...]

Surveillance Systems: Analysis, Dissemination, and Special Systems (Coursera)

In this course, we'll build on the previous lessons in this specialization to focus on some very specific skills related to public health surveillance. We'll learn how to get the most out of surveillance data analysis, focusing specifically on interpreting time trend data to detect temporal aberrations as well [...]

Surveillance Systems: The Building Blocks (Coursera)

Epidemiology is often described as the cornerstone science and public health and public health surveillance is a cornerstone of epidemiology. This course will help you build your technical awareness and skills for working with a variety of surveillance systems. Along the way, we'll focus on system objectives, data reporting, [...]