Corporate Finance

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Corporate Finance II: Financing Investments and Managing Risk (Coursera)

In this course you will learn how companies decide on how much debt to take, and whether to raise capital from markets or from banks. You will also learn how to measure and manage credit risk and how to deal with financial distress. You will discuss the mechanics of [...]

Administración financiera y su función en la empresa (Coursera)

Las finanzas corporativas son importantes en cualquier organización pues nos dan a conocer las necesidades de inversión y financiamiento de cualquier ente económico. Son indispensables para que el administrador financiero tome decisiones correctas en las áreas de operación, inversión y financiamiento para tal efecto, requiere de una serie de [...]

Fundamentals of Finance (Coursera)

In this course, you’ll learn the basic fundamentals of corporate finance. Based on the pre-term qualifying courses for Wharton MBA students, Professor Jessica Wachter has designed this course for learners who need a refresher in financial concepts, or for those who are learning about corporate finance for the first [...]

Finance for Everyone: Decisions (Coursera)

Finance for Everyone: Decisions will introduce you to the workings of the free markets and the foundations of finance. You will learn how free markets and their “creative destruction” provide the architecture for the global economy and how those same markets move money in ways that create and destroy [...]

Introducción a las Finanzas Corporativas (Coursera)

Este curso proporciona una breve introducción a los fundamentos de las finanzas. Puedes aplicar estas habilidades en un reto empresarial real como parte de la Programa Especializado de Fundamentos Empresariales de Wharton.

Corporate Finance Essentials (Coursera)

Corporate Finance Essentials will enable you to understand key financial issues related to companies, investors, and the interaction between them in the capital markets. By the end of this course you should be able to understand most of what you read in the financial press and use the essential [...]

Modelización Cuantitativa para Finanzas Corporativas (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Modelización Cuantitativa para Finanzas Corporativas (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este es un curso de modelización cuantitativa pensado para su aplicación en el ámbito de finanzas corporativas. En este curso aprenderás cómo explotar de la mejor forma los datos que alimentan a los modelos financieros. En la "era de los datos", cada vez más las organizaciones cuentan con [...]

Finance for Non-Finance Professionals (Coursera)

This short course surveys all the major topics covered in a full semester MBA level finance course, but with a more intuitive approach on a very high conceptual level. The goal here is give you a roadmap and framework for how financial professional make decisions. We will [...]

The Language and Tools of Financial Analysis (Coursera)

In this course, participants will learn the foundations of accounting principles and financial analysis, develop an understanding of the links between these, and the measurement of value creation at the firm level. This is part of a Specialization in corporate finance created in partnership between the University of Melbourne [...]