Clinical Decision Support Systems

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Explainable deep learning models for healthcare - CDSS 3 (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Explainable deep learning models for healthcare - CDSS 3 (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course will introduce the concepts of interpretability and explainability in machine learning applications. The learner will understand the difference between global, local, model-agnostic and model-specific explanations. State-of-the-art explainability methods such as Permutation Feature Importance (PFI), Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME) and SHapley Additive exPlanation (SHAP) are explained and [...]

Clinical Decision Support Systems - CDSS 4 (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Clinical Decision Support Systems - CDSS 4 (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Machine learning systems used in Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) require further external validation, calibration analysis, assessment of bias and fairness. In this course, the main concepts of machine learning evaluation adopted in CDSS will be explained. Furthermore, decision curve analysis along with human-centred CDSS that need to be [...]

Capstone Assignment - CDSS 5 (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Capstone Assignment - CDSS 5 (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is a capstone assignment requiring you to apply the knowledge and skill you have learnt throughout the specialization. In this course you will choose one of the areas and complete the assignment to pass.