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Jugar y Aprender Matemática en aulas heterogéneas (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Jugar y Aprender Matemática en aulas heterogéneas (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Cuando se asume la enseñanza de la matemática con el compromiso de la participación de todos los alumnos en una comunidad de producción, en la que se resuelven problemas con distintos procedimientos, se comparan producciones, se analiza la validez de las afirmaciones que se hacen, la tarea resulta todo [...]

Designing Learning Innovation (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Designing Learning Innovation (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Where to start to innovate your teaching? But before that, what does it mean to innovate in the classroom? Designing Learning Innovation aims to put the designing culture at the service of learning innovation, supporting those who do not have a specific pedagogical background and those who wish to [...]

Hacia una práctica constructivista en el aula (Coursera)

El curso trata temas fundamentales para lograr diseñar clases desde una concepción constructivista considerando diversidad de experiencias de aprendizaje e integración adecuada de la tecnología.

Teaching with the Smithsonian: Addressing 21st-Century Challenges in the College Classroom (edX)

Self Paced
Teaching with the Smithsonian: Addressing 21st-Century Challenges in the College Classroom (edX)
Course Auditing
This course encourages educators to engage students with the Smithsonian Institution’s experts and collections (both tangible and digital), as they follow Montgomery College-Smithsonian Faculty (MCSF) Fellows on their virtual 2021 series, “Addressing 21st-Century Challenges.”

Impact of Technology: How To Lead Classroom Discussions (edX)

Self Paced
Impact of Technology: How To Lead Classroom Discussions (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn how to keep 14-16 year-old students engaged in discussions while teaching computer science. On this course, teachers will explore the ethical, legal, cultural, and environmental concerns surrounding computer science. You will build the skills needed to hold relevant, open, and exciting discussions in the [...]

Genomics for Educators (FutureLearn)

Learn strategies and techniques for teaching genomics in and outside of the classroom to create enriching learning opportunities. Discover the importance of incorporating genomics into your curriculum. This three-week course from Wellcome Connecting Science will help you understand the benefits of teaching genomics and gain confidence in genomics [...]

Introduzione al Debate (POK)

Introduzione al Debate (POK)
Free Course
Cos’è il Debate e come praticarlo al meglio in classe? Quali sono le sue regole? Come valutarlo? In questo corso potrai trovare non solo valide risposte a questi interrogativi, ma anche pratiche raccomandazioni e suggerimenti da parte di docenti esperti.

Teaching with Physical Computing: Practical application and classroom strategies for PBL (edX)

This course guides you in using real-world problems to spark your learners’ creativity and empower them to develop their own solutions using Physical Computing. Brought to you by Arm, this course guides you through the practical application of Project-Based Learning (PBL) theory using a range of tools and [...]

Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom (edX)

Self Paced
Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom (edX)
Course Auditing
Through real stories, reflection, and key research, learn how to create and sustain inclusive, student-centered learning environments. U.S.-based and higher education-centered, this is a five-week, instructor-paced course that offers an inclusive teaching framework with multiple entry points for reflection and exploration of the research on learning and diversity. [...]

Classroom Strategies for Inquiry-Based Learning (edX)

Learn inquiry-based classroom practices to engage students in education through exploration. Inquiry-based learning aims to increase student engagement by helping learners develop hands-on, minds-on skills. This education and teacher training course explores the 5E instructional model and its uses in the classroom. You will have the opportunity to learn [...]