Oxana Trotsenko


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Agile Organization (Coursera)

The theory of Agile is simple. However, it takes experience, knowledge, and expertise to scale it successfully. In this course, you will focus on leading change at an organizational level and scaling Agile appropriately. When studying Agile application success stories and theory, it's easy to think in terms of [...]

Agile Leadership Capstone (Coursera)

This capstone project course takes you through a guided journey of putting together a comprehensive agile transformation packet. To create this packet, you will be creatively applying the concepts and tools we have covered in the first four courses of this Specialization. In the capstone course scenario, you were [...]

Developing an Agile Team (Coursera)

Now that you have undergone personal information, you will be better prepared to empathize, understand, and mentor individual members of your team on a similar journey. Leading teams towards change-resilience is not as simple as knowing and understanding the psychology of individuals multiplied by a number of team members. [...]

Agile Leadership: Introduction to Change (Coursera)

This is a foundational course in the Agile Leadership Specialization. By the end of this course, you will build an understanding of key agile leadership concepts. You will begin building a toolbox that will give you an ability to evaluate and create a baseline for yourself as an agile [...]

Agile Leader Training (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn the neuroscience of change, why we are so change-averse, how to train for change resilience, and most importantly, you will begin developing a practice to help you be prepared for changes in personal life and in your career. You will learn specific strategies [...]

Mastering the Art of Cross-Functional Collaboration (Coursera)

Every element of this course is focused on preparing you to understand yourself and how you lead. Your clarity comes from your heart, your intuition, and your mind. At the end of the day, the way you lead has to come from who you are. It will be up to you to figure this out for yourself.

Fundamentals of Cross-Functional Collaboration (Coursera)

Our ability to cultivate and lead cross-functional collaboration strongly depends on our level of self-awareness. In this course, you will develop an understanding of basic cross-functional collaboration concepts and definitions, create a leadership self-awareness profile, and learn how to navigate and manage four most prevalent collaboration [...]

Facilitating and Leading Cross-Functional Collaboration (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn the skills needed for effective cross-functional collaboration and practical tactics for applying them. Since understanding concepts intellectually is always easier than knowing how to apply them practically, you will be presented with an opportunity to practice in a low-stakes environment while being guided [...]