A complete list of MOOCs and free online courses.

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Science of Training Young Athletes Part 2 (Coursera)

In this course you will learn how to design the type of training that takes advantage of the plastic nature of the athlete’s body so you mold the right phenotype for a sport. We explore ways the muscular system can be designed to generate higher force and power and [...]

Réussir une négociation : Stratégies et compétences clés (Coursera)

Nous négocions tous au quotidien. À titre personnel, nous négocions avec des amis, notre famille, des propriétaires, des vendeurs de voitures et des employeurs, entre autres. La négociation est également la clé de la réussite en affaires. Aucune entreprise ne peut survivre sans affaires rentables. Au sein d’une entreprise, [...]

Research Proposal: Initiating Research (Coursera)

Market Research is a growing and important field that is used in many industries around the world. Given all the data that is collected whether by organizations, industries, social media, governments, etc., it’s important that someone can review and sift through all the noise to provide valuable insights. And [...]

IA para todos (Coursera)

IA não é apenas para engenheiros. Se quiser que sua organização se torne melhor no uso de IA, este é o curso que todos, especialmente aos seus colegas não técnicos, devem fazer.

Fundamental Neuroscience for Neuroimaging (Coursera)

Neuroimaging methods are used with increasing frequency in clinical practice and basic research. Designed for students and professionals, this course will introduce the basic principles of neuroimaging methods as applied to human subjects research and introduce the neuroscience concepts and terminology necessary for a basic understanding of neuroimaging [...]

Last submitted or updated MOOCs and Free Online Courses

A General Approach to Risk Management (Coursera)

Every organization uses its information to support its business operations. When there are threats in the internal and external environments, they create the risk of information loss or damage. This course examines the design and construction of a risk management program, including policies and plans, to support the [...]

A Guide to Diversifying and Transforming Football Leadership (Coursera)

Football is a globally followed and revered sport. In recent years, concerns over diversity and discrimination in the beloved sport have made international headlines. This has put a spotlight on the lack of representation both on and off the football pitch. The disparity in football leadership representation is even [...]

A Journey through Western Christianity: from Persecuted Faith to Global Religion (200 - 1650) (Coursera)

This course follows the extraordinary development of Western Christianity from its early persecution under the Roman Empire in the third century to its global expansion with the Jesuits of the early modern world. We explore the dynamic and diverse character of a religion with an enormous cast characters. We [...]

A life with ADHD (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
A life with ADHD (Coursera)
Course Auditing
What is ADHD and what are the challenges that come with it? Whether you are a person affected by ADHD, a family member or a professional, this MOOC will provide you with an understanding of what ADHD is. It will allow you to respond to the specific challenges of [...]

A New Communication Framework for Healthcare (Coursera)

As clinical care providers, we shoulder the stories of many patients. Because we’re usually in a rush, we don’t have the luxury of finding out all the information that we would like to. But no matter the situation, our understanding of the human story will determine a great deal [...]