Management & Leadership

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Securing Investment Returns in the Long Run (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn about the famous dichotomy between active and passive investing, how to appropriately measure and analyze investment performance and what the future trends in the investment management industry are. You will first learn about absolute and relative performance, risk-adjusted returns and how to decompose [...]

Gestión de proyectos: las bases del éxito (Coursera)

En este curso se combinan los elementos esenciales de la gestión de proyectos y el liderazgo de equipo en un único contenido. A través de la participación y reflexión en clase, adquirirás una mayor comprensión de las responsabilidades que conlleva el liderazgo y una mejor preparación para aplicar este [...]

Types of Conflict (Coursera)

Conflict is everywhere and it is impossible to avoid conflicting viewpoints. However, not all conflict is bad, nor is it inherently negative. How conflict is handled makes all the difference. It is through proper identification and understanding of conflict that allows for effective resolutions, some of which may yield [...]

El arte de negociar (Coursera)

Empleados de todo nivel y con cargos de todo tipo pueden aplicar a diario el arte de negociar. Los alumnos adquieren una visión actual de las estrategias y tácticas de negociación, aprenden lo que significa negociar y se familiarizan con diversos tipos de negociaciones, como regateos a ultranza, gana-ganas, [...]

Intercultural Communication and Conflict Resolution (Coursera)

Intercultural Communication and Conflict Resolution is a growing area of importance considering the pace and volume of global transactions. The ease of global communication using technology, the abundance of cheaper transportation costs, and the frequency of businesses using cross-border talent is fostering millions of interactions a day between [...]

Conflict Resolution Skills (Coursera)

Resolving conflict in a positive manner is a skill that can be developed and practiced. Being heard can be one of the most important goals of someone engaged in conflict. Knowing how to listen and deploy appropriate communication tactics is determinative of whether a conflict will have [...]

How to Validate your Startup Idea (Coursera)

Starting a new business begins with an idea that needs to evolve through experimentation, iteration and interactions with people. This course is for existing and potential entrepreneurs who are looking for guidance and support to make their ‘great idea’ a reality. In addition to reviewing the basic principles of [...]

Coaching Conversations (Coursera)

Throughout the Coaching Skills for Managers specialization, we’ve discussed many topics for improving coaching conversations with our employees. It is now time to put all of that theory and discussion into practice and examine great examples of common coaching conversations! This course builds on all previous courses in the [...]

Advanced Content and Social Tactics to Optimize SEO (Coursera)

Discover the content marketing and social media ecosystems and how these interconnected channels drive search results to a website. Leverage content marketing and social media as part of your SEO strategy, and how to use influence marketing to establish a website’s authority.