CS: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Computer Vision

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Artificial Intelligence and legal issues (Coursera)

The purpose of the course is to help students understand the legal implications related to the design and use of artificial intelligence systems, providing an overview of the risks and legal protections that can be envisaged and giving an overview of the legislation and legal principles currently applicable on [...]

Robótica (Coursera)

¿Te gustaría construir un robot y controlarlo a través de tu celular? ¡Estás en el curso indicado! Aquí podrás armar y animar un robot además de controlarlo con tu teléfono móvil, aún cuando te encuentres lejos de éste.

Introduction to Robotic Programming (edX)

This course provides an in depth introduction to parametric robot control. In this course you will learn how to use KUKA|prc for customization, simulation and optimization of robot code within the Rhino3d/Grasshopper digital environment for modeling and visual programming. This course is a great first step in your journey [...]

Introduction to Prompt Engineering (edX)

In this course, you will learn about prompt engineering to unlock the full potential of generative AI tools like ChatGPT. You will learn the techniques and best practices for writing effective prompts and explore a few common prompt engineering tools.

Introduction to Generative AI (edX)

In this course, you will learn about the fundamentals of generative AI. You will explore the capabilities and applications of generative AI across different domains. You will explore the capabilities and features of common generative AI models and tools.

Models and Platforms for Generative AI (edX)

This course focuses on the core concepts and models of generative AI, including deep learning and large language models. It covers the concept of foundation models and the capabilities of pre-trained models and platforms for AI application development.

Impact, Ethics, and Issues with Generative AI (edX)

In this course, you will learn about the socioeconomic impacts of generative AI and related issues such as job and copyright implications. You will also explore the ethical concerns related to generative AI and examine how to use it responsibly.

Elevating Businesses and Careers with Generative AI (edX)

In this course, you will discover the transformative impact of generative AI on existing businesses and opportunities for new businesses. Further, you will explore the career opportunities in generative AI and enhancements to your career prospects.

Ethics in AI Design (edX)

Learn how to incorporate ethics into the development and implementation of AI systems. AI systems have a great potential to improve society, across a wide range of applications. The challenge is to do so responsibly. AI systems can lead to discrimination, loss of human control and a lack of [...]