Elevating Businesses and Careers with Generative AI (edX)

Elevating Businesses and Careers with Generative AI (edX)
Course Auditing

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Elevating Businesses and Careers with Generative AI (edX)
In this course, you will discover the transformative impact of generative AI on existing businesses and opportunities for new businesses. Further, you will explore the career opportunities in generative AI and enhancements to your career prospects.

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In this course, you will discover the transformative impact of generative AI on businesses and professionals and how generative is elevating opportunities for businesses and professionals in different industries.

This course is designed for anyone interested in learning about business and career opportunities through generative AI. It will benefit a diverse audience, including professionals in various domains, executives, managers, startup founders, and students.

In this course, you will discover the influence of generative AI on existing businesses and opportunities for new businesses. You will learn how to make a business ready for generative AI adoption. You will identify the impact of generative AI across various industries.

Next, you will discover the potential career opportunities in the generative AI sector. You will learn how generative AI can impact and enhance the existing functions, skills, and job roles in different sectors.

In this course, you will hear from practitioners about the current trends and future perspectives of generative AI, exploring its potential to reshape industries and redefine professions. The course includes labs and projects, providing you with an opportunity to demonstrate your skills and understanding of generative AI.

This course is part of the Generative AI for Everyone Professional Certificate.

What you'll learn

- Explain the transformative impact of generative AI on the business and industry landscape.

- Identify key indicators of readiness for integrating generative AI into business.

- Explore potential career opportunities in generative AI.

- Analyze how generative AI can enhance existing careers in diverse fields.

- Apply generative AI to boost your productivity at work.


Module 1: Generative AI in Business: Trends, Ideas, and Implementation

Video: Course Introduction

Reading: Course Overview

Reading: Helpful Tips for Course Completion

Video: Current Trends and Future Perspectives of Generative AI

Video: Elevating Businesses through Generative AI

Video: An Ecosystem of Generative AI Providers

Reading: RAG: Opportunity and Potential Applications for Business

Video: Impact of Generative AI in Different Industries

Reading: Module Summary

Practice Quiz - Business Enhancements with Generative AI

Graded Quiz - Generative AI in Business: Trends, Ideas, and Implementation

Hands-on Lab: Experimenting with Google Gemini: A Multimodal Model

Discussion Prompt: A Potential Business Idea

Module 2: Generative AI: Impact and Opportunities for Career

Video: Career Opportunities in Generative AI

Video: Enhancing Your Career with Generative AI

Video: Generative AI for Content Creators

Hands-on Lab: Generative AI Applications for Content Creators

Video: Generative AI for IT Professionals

Hands-on Lab: Generative AI Applications for IT Professionals

Reading: Custom GPTs: Personalized AI

Video: Creating Custom GPTs

Video: Generative AI for Executives and Managers

Reading: Module Summary

Practice Quiz - Career Opportunities and Enhancements with Generative AI

Graded Quiz: Generative AI: Impact and Opportunities for Career

Discussion Prompt: Generative AI for Professionals

Module 3: Course Quiz, Project, and Wrap-up

Final Project: Generative AI for Product Design, Marketing, and Recommendations

Glossary - Generative AI: Business and Career Growth

Graded Quiz - Generative AI: Business and Career Growth

Reading: Congratulations and Next Steps

Reading: Thanks from the Course Team

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Course Auditing
45.00 EUR

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.