Art, Architecture & Design

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Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: Technology (edX)

Learn the history, ideas and concepts behind contemporary Japanese architecture through one facet of Japanese architecture, technology. This is the second course of “Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture” series, with the focus on the second facet: technology.

Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: Theory (edX)

Learn the history, ideas and concepts behind contemporary Japanese architecture through four architectural facets and five generations of architects. This series will explore four facets of contemporary Japanese architecture; theory, technology, city, and humans. It will also span five generations of architects since Kenzo Tange. Through lectures by instructors [...]

Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment (edX)

Learn how the principles of the Circular Economy can be applied to the built environment ranging from products and buildings to metropolitan and regional development strategies. In this course you will become familiar with circularity as a systemic, multi-disciplinary approach, concerned with the different scale, from material to product, [...]

Façade design and engineering: complexity made simple (edX)

Understand the fundamental technology behind façade design and construction and the impact of the various components in facilitating the construction of sustainable, energy efficient, aesthetic and modern buildings. The building façade forms the interface between outside conditions and the habitable indoor climate, where we spend most of our time. [...]

Interpreting Vernacular Architecture in Asia (edX)

Discover the value of local peoples' traditional built environments in Asia, find inspiration in these buildings, and learn how to conserve them for future generations. This course is about architecture. But it’s not about grand structures such as monuments or royal palaces. Rather, it is about the built environment [...]

Circular Fashion: Design, Science and Value in a Sustainable Clothing Industry (edX)

The fundamentals of circular fashion unraveled, learn about circularity in all steps of the fashion value chain. From new textile materials and circular design all the way to business modelling. The fashion industry has a large influence on the global economy and is more and more known for its [...]

La gestione del processo edilizio dal progetto esecutivo alla realizzazione (POK)

Il cantiere del campus Bonardi al Politecnico di Milano come occasione didattica. Il corso si focalizza sulla fase del progetto esecutivo, con particolare riferimento alle opere pubbliche, e sulla relazione con la fase costruttiva, anche alla luce della normativa vigente, evidenziando la complessità tecnica e gestionale e come le [...]

Laboratorio di Matematica per Architettura (POK)

Il corso illustra alcune applicazioni degli argomenti di matematica che si affrontano al primo anno di un corso universitario in architettura e, attraverso esercitazioni e video lezioni, consente di approfondire lo svolgimento di esercizi di base.

Introduzione alla Storia dell'Architettura Contemporanea (POK)

Il corso introduce allo conoscenza dell’Architettura Contemporanea, dai capolavori del Novecento ai migliori esempi di oggi.

(Re)Imagining Port Cities: Understanding Space, Society and Culture (edX)

Port city regions are at the forefront of many urgent contemporary issues such as migration, climate change, digitization, etc. Addressing these challenges and developing sustainable solutions, requires more than technical interventions, it requires rethinking and redesigning the basic spatial and socio-cultural paradigms that prevail at present. In this course [...]