Circular Economy

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Sustainability and the Circular Economy (Coursera)

As the world’s population continues to rise toward an expected 10 billion citizens by 2050, it is imperative that business practices change to ensure a high quality of life is possible for all of us, both human and non-human. Today’s learners are very aware of this. Moreover, they are [...]

Sustainable Construction in a Circular Economy (Coursera)

This course takes a wide-lens view of the role of materials decisions in circular design and the promotion of a healthier world. You find out how to execute a healthier project. You learn why healthier materials matter to the entire project team and the importance of communication between teams. [...]

Business Sustainability in the Circular Economy (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Business Sustainability in the Circular Economy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
We are surrounded by so much discussion of sustainability that it can sometimes become overwhelming. Important questions include: What role can business have in ensuring the sustainability of the planet? How should business work with society to preserve the environment? These questions will be answered in this course as [...]

Product Innovation Management (Coursera)

This third course in the product development specialization discusses the business side of product development. The course begins with an overview of marketing and pricing strategies, and how company’s price their products today.

Deploying the circular economy within organisations (Coursera)

How can companies act in the fight against global warming? This is an increasingly pressing question for all actors of our society. Big companies, SMEs, start-ups but also charities and public actors, the circular economy is part of solutions to be deployed at a large scale by all [...]

Working for a sustainable future: concepts and approaches (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Working for a sustainable future: concepts and approaches (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, participants are introduced to key notions and concepts evolving in sustainability science that are relevant to all, independent to one's work or field of interest. After having completed the course, participants will have a better understanding of the vocabulary used today and should demonstrate the ability [...]

Herramientas de la Economía Circular (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Herramientas de la Economía Circular (Coursera)
Course Auditing
La Economía Circular representa una perspectiva de mejoramiento continuo para la transformación de sistemas de producción y consumo sostenibles. Aprender de sus herramientas, agrega un valor agregado concreto, a las competencias de profesionales interesados en la sostenibilidad ambiental y social. El presente curso ofrece aprender de la importancia de [...]

Circular business models fostering sustainable production and consumption (POK)

How to make real the transition from linear to circular: key concepts, tools and enablers. The course will start with the basic concept of Circular Economy, its definition, core characteristics, and differences with the linear economy. The definition of Circular Economy will then be enriched with the main frameworks [...]

Beyond Systems Thinking (edX)

Self Paced
Beyond Systems Thinking (edX)
Course Auditing
We need cultural and mental transformation to deal with the current global polycrisis. This MOOC is the second of four MOOCs to hybridize science, design, and transformative praxis. This joint learning journey is a fluid, intervention-driven, synergistic process addressing complex challenges with a regional focus. It entails a critical [...]