Financial Technology

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Capstone Course: Start Up Your Fintech Future (Coursera)

Jan 13th 2025
Capstone Course: Start Up Your Fintech Future (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the final course in the Fintech Emerging Markets specialization. This course assumes you have completed the first three courses of this specialization. For this capstone project, you will need to prepare a business model canvas and pitch for your startup. This will involve identifying opportunities for a [...]
Jan 13th 2025
Course Auditing
32.00 EUR/month

The Future of Payment Technologies (Coursera)

Discover the future of payment technology, from mobile payments to tokenization. In this course, you will learn new ways of making payments from consumer-to-business (C2B), from consumer-to-consumer (C2C), and from business-to-business (B2B).

FinTech and the Transformation in Financial Services (Coursera)

The FinTech revolution is rapidly transforming the financial industry. The use of digital technologies is the norm, and together with regulatory and market changes it is creating a revolution. After completion of the module, you'll be able to: describe the changes that influence the financial sector, understand the complexity [...]

Digital Competition in Financial Services (Coursera)

Welcome to Digital Transformation Strategy! As you probably know, this is the first course in a three part specialization focused on the digital transformation of finance. We'll aim to bring you insights about how digitalization intersects with finance, culled from one of the world's top regions for digital [...]

How Software Ate Finance (Coursera)

Jan 6th 2025
How Software Ate Finance (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Software is eating the world, with radical consequences for financial services. This course gives you a foundation for understanding the future of financial services, and provides guidance for creating fintech businesses in the 2020s and beyond.

Développement financier et inclusion financière (edX)

Apprendre à développer un secteur financier inclusif et stable est essentiel pour que l’économie prospère. Ce cours a été développé par le FMI en collaboration avec la Banque européenne d'investissement. Des taux plus élevés d'inclusion financière et de développement des marchés financiers indiquent des sociétés plus [...]

Crowdfunding 101 (FinTech School)

Self Paced
Crowdfunding 101 (FinTech School)
Free Course
Learn the basics of equity and debt crowdfunding, and a roadmap for implementing a crowdfunding campaign. This intro course will cover, a broad introduction to US equity and debt crowdfunding, the basic mechanics of a crowdfunding campaign, the anatomy of a crowdfunding portal and an industry landscape covering trends, [...]