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Competencias para la empleabilidad (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Competencias para la empleabilidad (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este curso está dirigido a académicos, empresarios y estudiantes de grado, y su objetivo es mejorar el nivel de empleabilidad de los jóvenes graduados en América Latina, ya que a través de él podrán adquirir competencias que hoy día exigen las empresas de este mundo globalizado. Esto se logrará [...]

Active Learning for Soft Skills Development (POK)

Soft skills are crucial competencies to be developed by students to access the labour market. The integration of active learning methods in teaching practices can support curriculum innovation and improve the learning experience of university students in particular while learning disciplinary [...]

Unlocking Your Employability (edX)

Learn how to unlock your personal and professional development and market your skills to potential employers to maximise your career success. A degree is necessary to secure a graduate role, but employers are looking for much more. The key is showing a potential employer what you can offer BEYOND [...]

Competencies for seeking, keeping and advancing in a job (edX)

Improve your employability by learning communication, social and emotional competencies with this accessible, inclusive course. The objective of this online course is to improve your employability with a series of learning modules about different competencies: career guidance; social, communication and emotional skills; and creating a career project. It will [...]

English for the Workplace (FutureLearn)

Jun 1st 2020
English for the Workplace (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
This course for learners of English helps you with the language you need to find a job and successfully function in the workplace. This course is for people who are learning English and who are interested in developing English language skills for employability and workplace contexts. It will help [...]