Digital Disruption

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Introduction to Digital Transformation: Change & Disruption (Coursera)

Digital transformation is an incredible opportunity for both individuals and for organisations because it's an opportunity to personalise, to customise, to serve customers in new ways, to help them to achieve new things that matter to the world in which we live. Whatever level you are in your organisation, [...]

Introduction to Digital Transformation Part 1 (Coursera)

This course was designed to introduce the key components of digital transformation so you can understand the drivers and economics of innovation and technological change to create competitive advantage in your own industry. You'll learn the business value of data and how the exponential growth in core technologies such [...]

Digital Disruption (Coursera)

In this exciting online course you can understand how technology, strategy and digital business models are important to be innovative in your job. Also, you will understand what disruption is and which are the most disruptive technologies to articulate business strategy in times of digital innovation and and be [...]

Get Started With Digital Marketing (FutureLearn)

Jun 3rd 2024
Get Started With Digital Marketing (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
What is digital marketing and why is it so valuable to businesses in today’s world? Find out with Coventry University Online. Explore the value of digital marketing and the challenges of digital disruption. On this course, you’ll have the opportunity to explore what digital marketing is and learn the [...]

Applying the Digital Playbook in Government: Industry-based Scenarios for Achieving Adoption and Growth in Government (edX)

Learn how to apply the digital strategies and execution techniques in the Digital Transformation Playbook through an engaging real-world scenario of government digital disruption. This course is the last in the Digital Transformation Playbook for Government professional certificate. It culminates the experience so you can apply your skills to [...]