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Firm Level Economics: Consumer and Producer Behavior (Coursera)

All goods and services are subject to scarcity at some level. Scarcity means that society must develop some allocation mechanism – rules to determine who gets what. Over recorded history, these allocation rules were usually command based – the king or the emperor would decide. In contemporary times, most [...]

Cost Accounting: Profit and Loss Calculation (Coursera)

Companies do not only need to know the costs of different products, but they also need to know whether they gain a profit or realize a loss. We explain how companies use cost information to calculate their profit and assess their profitability. Depending on how companies account for changes [...]

Basics of Cost Accounting: Product Costing (Coursera)

The core of the first course is to learn how companies record total costs and calculate unit costs for their individual products or services. For example, how can a car manufacturer figure out the costs of an individual car series? During the first weeks, participants learn what costs are [...]

Cost Accounting: Decision Making (Coursera)

In the third course, you will learn how to use information from cost accounting to improve managerial decision-making. We discuss business decisions and suggest how cost information can support them best. For example, how will costs change if managers adjust cost drivers? How many units do companies need to [...]

Introducción al análisis de Costos para la Dirección de Empresas (Coursera)

Jan 6th 2025
Introducción al análisis de Costos para la Dirección de Empresas (Coursera)
Course Auditing
A través de un caso de negocios y de ejercicios prácticos tendrás la oportunidad de sumergirte en el desafiante mundo de los costos dentro de la empresa. Para ello podrás complementar la visión estrictamente contable de los costos con una más enfocada a las decisiones recurrentes que se toman [...]

Cost and Economics in Pricing Strategy (Coursera)

How much should you charge for your products and services? Traditionally, businesses have answered this question based on the cost to produce or provide their goods and services. This course shows you the economic factors behind pricing based on cost and the pros and cons of a cost-based pricing [...]

Trading Basics (Coursera)

The purpose of this course is to equip you with the knowledge required to comprehend the financial statements of a company and understand the various transactions that take place in the stock market so that you can replicate the strategies discovered by the extant academic literature. The first part [...]

Managerial Accounting: Cost Behaviors, Systems, and Analysis (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn how to use accounting to facilitate and align decisions made by owners, managers, and employees. You will learn how accountants create, organize, interpret, and communicate information that improves internal processes, and allows organizations to identify and leverage opportunities to create value within the [...]

Managerial Accounting: Tools for Facilitating and Guiding Business Decisions (Coursera)

In this course, you will explore how to use accounting to allocate resources and incentivize manager and employee behaviors in using these resources. You will also learn how financial and non-financial accounting information facilitates strategic performance measurement and how to integrate this information to continuously improve [...]

Conociendo los costos (edX)

Se aborda la contabilidad de costos que se enfoca en los usuarios internos de la información contable y financiera, y en conjunto con los presupuestos, integran la base de la planeación estratégica, sin la cual sería imposible efectuar planes a mediano y largo plazo.