Collaborative Learning

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Reimagining Educational Innovation and Improvement (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Reimagining Educational Innovation and Improvement (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Reimagining Educational Innovation introduces local change agents to collaborative, continuous improvement – a locally grounded approach to innovation that empowers teachers, leaders, families, and community members to advance new ambitions for educational access, quality, and equity.

Claves para la innovación en la docencia universitaria (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Claves para la innovación en la docencia universitaria (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Claves para la innovación en la docencia universitaria forma parte de la dimensión docente del proyecto TO INN sobre la innovación en las instituciones de educación superior y, se centra específicamente, en aquellas que forman a futuros maestros y maestras, aunque, por sus características, es un curso abierto a [...]

Preparing for Higher Education (FutureLearn)

Oct 9th 2023
Preparing for Higher Education (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Bust myths, build confidence, and boost your digital skills with this introduction to the world of higher education. Taking your first steps in higher education can be daunting. The digital education experts at Arden University are on hand to prepare you for your learning journey.

Foundations of Learning Experience Design (NovoEd)

Elevate Your Digital Learning Experiences. Over the past 3 years, NovoEd's Foundations of Learning Experience Design course has helped over 7,000 learners create engaging learning experiences using digital pedagogy and instructional design best practices.

Collaborative Teaching and Learning (European Schoolnet Academy)

Being able to collaborate effectively is a valuable 21st-century skill, yet teaching about or through collaboration remains rare in schools because of a lack of understanding of what real collaboration in an educational setting means, and because existing policy conditions do not always enable it to flourish. Practitioners need [...]