Polimi Open Knowledge is the MOOC programme of Politecnico di Milano.

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Finanza per tutti (POK)

Trovi difficile decidere come investire i tuoi risparmi? Le differenze fra azioni e obbligazioni non ti sono per nulla chiare? Quando vai in banca ti sembra che il tuo consulente finanziario parli un’altra lingua? Con questo corso ti aiuteremo a districarti nella giungla della finanza.

Deep renovation for energy efficient residential buildings (POK)

Deep renovation for energy efficient residential buildings (POK)
Free Course
As European buildings are responsible for 36% of CO2 emissions, the subject of deep renovation has become central to attain a climate-neutral EU by 2050. Hence, there is a compelling need for a new set of skills and knowledge to deliver deep renovation projects, that this course attempts to offer.

Higher Education for Sustainable Development Goals (POK)

Higher Education for Sustainable Development Goals (POK)
Free Course
The course introduces the concept of Sustainable Development and the recent debate and policies promoted at the global level to face urgent environmental and societal challenges. 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs, aiming at addressing ambitious sustainability challenges by 2030, are presented across the course program. The course concludes [...]

Working in Multidisciplinary Teams (POK)

Teamwork is a highly valued skill in modern workplaces. Working in a team isn't easy, but it can be learnt and improved continuously. Teamwork skills are increasingly in demand. The level of complexity and instability inside organisations is so high that even very competent professionals cannot handle it by [...]

Managing Conflicts (POK)

How to recognise a conflict? How to best manage it? What role does your personality play? You will find some answers to these questions in this course. In any social context, conflicts, as well as being inevitable, are also essential for grasping the potential of diversity and for growing [...]

Managing Changes (POK)

How many changes have you already dealt with in your life? Did you welcome them as an opportunity, or did you feel like you were in difficulty? Let's see how to best address them, both in private and at work. The only constant in our lives is change. Sometimes, [...]

Gestire il cambiamento (POK)

Quanti cambiamenti hai già affrontato nella tua vita? Li hai accolti come un’opportunità o ti sei sentito in difficoltà? Vediamo come affrontarli al meglio nel privato e sul lavoro. How many changes did you face in your life? Did you take them as an opportunity or did you find yourself [...]

Gestire il conflitto (POK)

Come riconoscere un conflitto? Come gestirlo al meglio? Che ruolo ha la tua personalità? In questo corso potrai trovare alcune risposte a questi interrogativi. How can we recognize a conflict? How can we manage it the best possible way? What is the role of your personality? In this course [...]

Digital Supply Chain Ecosystems for Creative Industries (POK)

This course will introduce the most important concepts related to Supply Chain in the fashion industry, and illustrate strategies and techniques for effective Supply Chain Management.

Data science, visualization and interactive narratives for CCIs (POK)

Through four weeks lessons, the “Data science, visualization and interactive narratives for CCIs” MOOC will touch the topics of data-driven methods changing creative industries, data visualizations meant to obtain results and insights and Interactive Narratives basics to design and develop consistent scenarios for fashion [...]