A complete list of MOOCs and free online courses.

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Real-Time Project for Embedded Systems (Coursera)

The final course emphasizes hands-on building of an application using real-time machine vision and multiple real-time services to synchronize the internal state of Linux with an external clock via observation. Compare actual performance to theoretical and analysis to determine scheduling jitter and to mitigate any accumulation of latency. [...]

Android App Components - Intents, Activities, and Broadcast Receivers (Coursera)

This MOOC builds upon the overview of Java and Android covered in Course 1 by delving deeper into core Android components, such as Activities, Broadcast Receivers, Intents, and Intent Filters. You will learn by example how to program these core Android components together with basic Java file I/O classes [...]

Foundations of Local Large Language models (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Foundations of Local Large Language models (Coursera)
Course Auditing
By the end of this course, a learner will have a solid understanding of Large Language Models running locally. You'll be able to setup a local environment using powerful tooling to run different LLMs and interact with them both with a web interface as well as with APIs.

Gmail (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Gmail (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Gmail is Google’s cloud based email service that allows you to access your messages from any computer or device with just a web browser. In this course, you’ll learn how to compose, send and reply to messages. You will also explore some of the common actions that can be [...]

International Business Environment (Coursera)

This course explores the international business environment in which organisations function. You’ll learn about core analysis methods, including PESTLE, SWOT, and Boston Box Matrices, as well as the applications of Porter’s Five Forces. You’ll have the opportunity to participate in discussion forums and access case studies, as well as [...]

Last submitted or updated MOOCs and Free Online Courses

Competitive Strategy (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
 Competitive Strategy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
“Why do some companies outperform others?” That question is particularly important to ask in industries which are fiercely competitive like the tech sector. Companies competing in these industries find it difficult to achieve competitive advantage and sustain it over the longer run. In this course, you will learn about [...]

'Their' World and How You Define It (Coursera)

Thriving organizations strive for equity at all levels. Dynamic global DEI initiatives strengthen connectivity within individual teams and foster cross-cultural collaboration and mutual understanding while encouraging the inclusion of employees from all regions. Broader global relations aside, there also exist country-specific ethnic dynamics that make DEI a critical conversation. [...]

Accountability and Employee Engagement (Coursera)

Being a successful leader in complex technical organization requires being ultimately accountable for your team’s performance and meeting commitments to all your stakeholders. This second Leading Technical Organizations course, "Accountability and Employee Engagement", explores how organizational leaders use different decision-making processes for different situations and that they are ultimately [...]

Advanced Content and Social Tactics to Optimize SEO (Coursera)

Discover the content marketing and social media ecosystems and how these interconnected channels drive search results to a website. Leverage content marketing and social media as part of your SEO strategy, and how to use influence marketing to establish a website’s authority.

Advanced Data Structures in Java (Coursera)

How does Google Maps plan the best route for getting around town given current traffic conditions? How does an internet router forward packets of network traffic to minimize delay? How does an aid group allocate resources to its affiliated local partners? To solve such problems, we first represent the [...]