A complete list of MOOCs and free online courses.

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GST - Audit, assessment and litigation (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
GST - Audit, assessment and litigation (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you will learn the aspects of tax dispute resolution, assessment, investigation, and audit under GST and understand the penal provisions for non-compliance. You will also understand the provisions related to anti-profiteering introduced in GST. This course provides a platform for learners planning to launch their careers [...]
Apr 29th 2024
Course Auditing
46.00 EUR/month

Arquitecturas de Big Data (Coursera)

El curso de Arquitecturas de Big Data busca que identifiques las características de una solución de Big Data, los datos asociados a estas soluciones, la infraestructura requerida, y las técnicas de procesamiento escalable. Desarrollaremos ejemplos usando infraestructuras basadas en Hadoop y en Spark, teniendo presente la pertinencia de las [...]

Financial Markets (Coursera)

An overview of the ideas, methods, and institutions that permit human society to manage risks and foster enterprise. Emphasis on financially-savvy leadership skills. Description of practices today and analysis of prospects for the future. Introduction to risk management and behavioral finance principles to understand the real-world functioning of [...]

Seismology to Earthquake Engineering (Coursera)

This course ranges from the earth structure, the generation of earthquakes and seismic waves by faults to the seismic response of soils, foundations and structures as well as seismic risk. It is consequently aimed at undergraduates, graduates and professionals interested in engineering seismology, earthquake engineering or seismic risk. It [...]

Last submitted or updated MOOCs and Free Online Courses

API Design and Fundamentals of Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform (Coursera)

This course, API Design and Fundamentals of Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform, is the first in a series of three courses in the Developing APIs for Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform specialization. This course introduces you to API design and the fundamentals of the Apigee platform. The second course [...]

API Development (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
API Development (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Learn how to access and create web APIs. This course is designed for learners who have experience with JavaScript. The modules in this course cover accessing web APIs and creating simple web servers.

APIs (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
APIs (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Delve deeper into the processes and concepts behind APIs and their infrastructure. Explore the key concepts that underpin API development and the principles of representational state transfer architectural style (REST) architecture. Build basic API and REST data backbones for web apps using Django. Discover emerging API technology and practice [...]
Apr 29th 2024
Course Auditing
36.00 EUR/month

Aplicaciones musicales con Arduino (Coursera)

En este curso nos adentraremos en el terreno del hardware. Concretamente, aprenderemos a utilizar la placa de desarrollo de hardware de código abierto, llamada Arduino, enfocándonos en las aplicaciones que esta ofrece para la experimentación musical. De manera más específica, aprenderemos en este curso a construir nuestros propios generadores [...]

App Deployment, Debugging, and Performance en Français (Coursera)

Dans ce cours, les développeurs d'applications apprennent à concevoir et développer des applications cloud natives qui intègrent parfaitement les services gérés de Google Cloud. À travers un ensemble de présentations, de démonstrations et d'ateliers pratiques, ils découvrent comment appliquer les bonnes pratiques de développement d'applications et comment utiliser les [...]