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The Strategy of Content Marketing (Coursera)

This course is a partnership between the leading content marketing authority, Copyblogger, and UC Davis Extension. In this course, you will learn the core strategies content marketers use to acquire and retain customers profitably. Specifically, you will learn how to develop, organize and implement a content marketing strategy, analyze [...]

Writing Professional Email and Memos (Project-Centered Course) (Coursera)

Want your workplace writing to make a positive impression? At the end of this course, you will be a more confident writer, able to create higher quality professional documents more quickly. This course is at the introductory or beginner level and focuses on mastering the basics of email [...]

Business English: Meetings (Coursera)

This course will teach you vocabulary and skills related to participating in meetings. You will learn terms and phrases used both in email and in speaking to arrange, participate in, and conclude meetings. The goals of this course are to enable you to participate effectively in on-site meetings and [...]

Corrección, estilo y variaciones de la lengua española (Coursera)

¿Le interesa el idioma español y se preocupa por la corrección, el estilo y las variaciones de la lengua española? ¿Siente curiosidad acerca de las variaciones española y argentina o americana del Español estudiadas en textos cultos de referencia? En este curso se estudian empíricamente algunos aspectos relevantes [...]

Fundamentos de la escritura (Coursera)

La redacción de un texto, cualquiera que este sea, implica conocer y dominar las reglas y estrategias que hacen del producto final un escrito coherente, de lectura ágil y adecuado al público que se destina. Por medio de ejercicios, videos y ejemplos reales, el primer módulo (Semana 1 y [...]

The Art of Storytelling (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
The Art of Storytelling (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Elevate your public speaking with the course on the art of storytelling: learn to create captivating stories that resonate, enhancing your ability to connect and leave a lasting impression; perfect your narrative skills and transform every speech into an unforgettable experience.

Introduction to Technical Writing (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Introduction to Technical Writing (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Technical Writing seamlessly blends the art of communication with the nuances of technology. Tailored for a diverse audience, including writers, communicators, engineers, and IT professionals, this course serves as a beacon, guiding participants toward the creation of effective technical documents tailored to specialized [...]

Arranging for Songwriters (Coursera)

You've created a song. You wrote the lyrics, decided on the melody, and maybe even recorded a simple demo. Now what? If you have a basic knowledge of how to use a digital audio workstation (DAW) and are passionate about being a songwriter, this course will help you take [...]

Write A Feature Length Screenplay For Film Or Television (Coursera)

In this course, you will write a complete, feature-length screenplay for film or television, be it a serious drama or romantic comedy or anything in between. You’ll learn to break down the creative process into components, and you’ll discover a structured process that allows you to produce a polished [...]

Translation in Practice (Coursera)

This course offers you basic but valuable techniques used by a good translator in the translation between English and Chinese. We’ll discuss what is translation, what is good translation, and learn about how to produce good translations. All the examples used in this course are taken from the course [...]