Tech Industry

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Market Research and Analysis for Tech Industries (Coursera)

Developing a revolutionary design or product or software often becomes an all-consuming pursuit in industry. Yet, many gifted engineers and technologists are eventually bewildered to discover, only too late, that their innovative product is wholly insufficient. A great design accomplishes nothing if it fails to address critical needs and [...]

Avoiding Ethical Pitfalls in the Tech Industry (Coursera)

This course focuses on what went wrong. That is, it focuses on the difficulty every manager experiences and how some make the mistake of following an incorrect ethical path. Examined are operating “in the gray”, whether we are driven by rational thinking or intuition, and the possibility of the [...]

A Theoretical Origin of Ethics in Business and Tech Industry (Coursera)

This course focuses on the theoretical origins of ethics. There are many possible paths, but it seems that ethics found its origins in the early days after the emergence of Homo Sapiens. The discussion here recognizes that many believe in Creation and many believe in Evolution. For the purposes [...]

Ethical Decision Making for Success in the Tech Industry (Coursera)

This course focuses on how to do it right. That is, it focuses on methodologies that we, as leaders, can use to figure out the right course of action. Some leadership ethical decisions are fairly straight forward; many don’t offer clear solutions. This course is where we find the [...]

Building and Pitching Marketing Campaigns in Tech Industries (Coursera)

Once we have a great strategy, much preparation remains to garner resources, plan the launch and then execute. Some industries, mostly high-end B2B, still demand the support and attention that only a human salesforce can provide. Public relations and sponsorships remain viable, traditional communication strategies. Pricing, forecasting and [...]