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Introducción a la gestión de proyectos (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Introducción a la gestión de proyectos (Coursera)
Course Auditing
¿Por qué iniciamos un proyecto? ¿Cómo debemos iniciarlo? ¿es importante planearlo? ¿Qué hacemos cuando ya lo estamos desarrollando? ¿por qué hay personas que se desarrollan profesionalmente en la gestión de proyectos? En este primer curso podrás comprender la naturaleza de los proyectos y la manera como debes gestionarlos de [...]

Iniciação e Planejamento de Projetos (Coursera)

Informações sobre o curso: O Programa de Cursos Integrados de Introdução aos Princípio se Práticas ae Gestão de Projetos é uma produção em parceria com a UC Irvine. Projetos bem-sucedidos exigem um planejamento cuidadoso. Neste curso, você aprenderá os principais papéis e responsabilidades do gestor de projeto e da [...]

Planning with Climate Change in Mind (Coursera)

This course focuses on the climate impacts occurring and expected to occur across the United States. Our approach will be regional and sectoral, with consideration of impacts on water resources, transportation, energy, agriculture, forests, health, and coastal/marine resources. We will also look at how you can apply information about [...]

Research for Impact (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn more about the Research for Impact approach - a set of principles and practices that will help you to make your research more impactful. Traditionally, the goals and outcomes of research projects were to contribute knowledge and communicate this knowledge through academic publications [...]

Planning, Auditing and Maintaining Enterprise Systems (Coursera)

Good system management not only requires managing the systems themselves, but requires careful planning to make systems interact with each other, auditing of the systems once the systems are built, and proactive maintenance of all systems. Organizations also rely on organizational policies, such as Acceptable Use Policies to bolster [...]

Supply Chain Planning (Coursera)

Have you ever wondered how companies know how much to produce in advance so that they do not make too much or too little? Matching supply and demand requires planning. This course introduces you to the exciting area of supply chain planning. Part of a broader specialization on Supply [...]

Supply Chain Logistics (Coursera)

Have you ever wondered how goods get delivered to us so quickly as soon as we order them? One word: Logistics! In this introductory Supply Chain Logistics course, I will take you on a journey to this fascinating backbone of global trade. We cover the three major building blocks [...]

Iniciación y Planificación de Proyectos (Coursera)

En este curso, aprenderás los principios fundamentales de la gestión de proyecto en las etapas de iniciación y planificación, lo cual incluye la identificación y mapeo de los interesados e involucrados clave en el proyecto, la definición de los alcances del proyecto y la construcción de la estructura desglosada [...]

The Science of Training Young Athletes (Coursera)

Seventy percent of kids drop out of sports before their high school graduation. Only 15% leave because they feel they are not good enough. Almost 70% leave because they were not having fun, or due to problems with the coach. Injuries cause 30% to give up sports. This course [...]