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Introduction to Particle Accelerators (NPAP MOOC) (Coursera)

Welcome to the Nordic Particle Accelerator Program's (NPAP) Massive Open Online Courses and to the fascinating world of particle accelerators! Did you know that in the year of 2000 there were more than 15 000 particle accelerators in the world? Yet, today it has grown to more than 30 [...]

Electrodynamics: An Introduction (Coursera)

The depth and breadth of electromagnetism, the foundation for many fields including materials science, electrical engineering, and physical chemistry, requires a long, steep, and steady learning curve. This course aims to bridge the gap between the fundamental principles taught in electromagnetism and its practical application to specific fields such [...]

The Sun and the Total Eclipse of August 2017 (Coursera)

A total eclipse is one of the most spectacular sights you can ever see! It looks like the end of the world may be at hand. There is a black hole in the sky where the sun should be. Pink flames of solar prominences and long silver streamers [...]

Big History - From the Big Bang until Today (Coursera)

Welcome to this Big History course! In this course, renowned scientists and scholars from the University of Amsterdam and beyond will take you on a journey from the Big Bang until today while addressing key questions in their fields. After completing this journey you will have developed a [...]

Tesoros de la Física y sus Descubridores I (Coursera)

¿Sabes cómo vuelan los aviones, tan pesados y no se caen mientras vuelan? ¿Sabes que viajamos por el espacio sobre el planeta Tierra que se traslada y gira muy rápido y no lo percibimos? ¿O acaso, notas efectos de su movimiento? ¿Cuál es nuestro lugar en el universo? ¿Podemos [...]

Confronting The Big Questions: Highlights of Modern Astronomy (Coursera)

An introduction to modern astronomy's most important questions. The four sections of the course are Planets and Life in The Universe; The Life of Stars; Galaxies and Their Environments; The History of The Universe.

Analyzing the Universe (Coursera)

Using publicly available data from NASA of actual satellite observations of astronomical x-ray sources, we explore some of the mysteries of the cosmos, including neutron stars, black holes, quasars and supernovae. We will analyze energy spectra and time series data to understand how these incredible objects work. [...]

Boltzmann Law: Physics to Computing (edX)

Mar 25th 2024
Boltzmann Law: Physics to Computing (edX)
Course Auditing
Provides a unified perspective connecting equilibrium statistical mechanics with stochastic neural networks and quantum computing. A unique course that connects three diverse fields using the unifying concept of a state-space with 2^N dimensions defined by N binary bits.

The Science of the Solar System (Coursera)

Learn about the science behind the current exploration of the solar system in this free class. Use principles from physics, chemistry, biology, and geology to understand the latest from Mars, comprehend the outer solar system, ponder planets outside our solar system, and search for habitability in our neighborhood and [...]

The Science of Gastronomy (Coursera)

This course introduces a number of basic scientific principles underpinning the methodology of cooking, food preparation and the enjoyment of food. All topics covered have a strong basis in biology, chemistry, and physics application. Among others, they include the consumption of cooked food, the physiological and evolutionary implication of [...]