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Mindfulness_An Approach to Stress Reduction (Coursera)

An essential guide to cultivating a healthy mindset and a stress-free lifestyle through practicing the art of mindfulness meditation—a discipline that ultimately leads to a profound understanding ourselves and our surroundings. Mindfulness is a simple, yet effective practice achievable by all people of all ages. It alleviates stress and [...]

Mindfulness para ser más efectivo (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Mindfulness para ser más efectivo (Coursera)
Course Auditing
La consciencia cobra vital importancia en la creación de estados de bienestar, armonía y paz, permitiendo disminuir los niveles de estrés, ansiedad y depresión que causa pensar en el pasado, presente o futuro. Así, este curso te brinda herramientas del mindfulness para que puedas centrar tu atención y energía [...]

Life 101: Mental and Physical Self-Care (Coursera)

This course will cover various topics that would teach students healthy lifestyle choices, the importance of mental and physical health and self-care. For each topic, an evidence-based lecture that would include scientific evidence will be presented and then students will be provided practical methods to practice what they have [...]

Mindfulness and Well-being: Living with Balance and Ease (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Mindfulness and Well-being: Living with Balance and Ease (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the sequel course to Foundations of Mindfulness that will continue to provide a broad overview of the fundamental concepts, principles, and practices of mindfulness. With interactive exercises to help students explore their own attitudes, mental habits and behaviors, Foundations of Mindfulness series offers a pathway for living [...]

Foundations of Mindfulness (Coursera)

This course provides a broad overview of the fundamental concepts, principles, and practices of mindfulness. With interactive exercises to help students explore their own attitudes, mental habits and behaviors, Foundations of Mindfulness offers a pathway for living with more freedom, authenticity and ease. Featured components of the course include [...]

A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment (Coursera)

What are the determinants of a happy and fulfilling life? This is surely one of life’s biggest questions, and a question that has interested many of our ancestors. Buddha famously gave up his kingdom in search of happiness. Several Greek philosophers (from Aristotle to Epicurus and Plato to Socrates) had [...]

Become a Peer Sponsor: Intro to Military Transition Support (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Become a Peer Sponsor: Intro to Military Transition Support (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The Department of Veterans Affairs’ Veteran Sponsorship Initiative (VSI) provides manualized, certification training to individuals interested in supporting service members and veterans as they transition from military service. The VSI is an evidence-based program designed to reduce transition stressors by matching service members with a community-based sponsor who [...]

De-Mystifying Mindfulness (Coursera)

Interest in meditation, mindfulness, and contemplation has grown exponentially in recent years. Rather than being seen as mystical practices from ancient Buddhism or esoteric philosophy, they are increasingly seen as technologies rooted in evidence from psychology and neuroscience. Mindfulness has become the basis for numerous therapeutic interventions, [...]

Unethical Decision Making in Organizations (Coursera)

This course 'Unethical decision making in organizations : A seminar on the dark side of the force' will teach you how strong organizational contexts push good people towards unethical decisions. You will also learn how to protect yourself and your organization against such forces lurking in the dark. This [...]

Mindfulness and Resilience to Stress at Work (edX)

Learn research-based strategies to help you foster mindfulness, handle stress, and guard against burnout. Stress, anxiety, and burnout are rampant across workplaces today: 80 percent of workers feel stress on the job, and nearly half say they need help learning how to manage it. While many organizations may assume [...]