European Union

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Typology of countries and European economies (Coursera)

The course topology of countries and European economies actually contains three modules. The first one will explain how the different countries of the world are divided into several groups of different economic organizations of the world, like, for example, the World Bank or United Nations.

O Futuro das Cidades, os Cidadãos e a UE: uma Construção com o Poder Local (NAU)

Aprenda a otimizar recursos como a mobilidade, a água ou a energia, tornando-os mais eficazes, mas também mais baratos e úteis. Uma das missões do Horizonte Europa (próximo programa-quadro da UE para a investigação e a inovação) e das linhas do Pacto Ecológico Europeu é a aposta em cidades [...]

A União Europeia: Construção e Funcionamento (NAU)

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A União Europeia: Construção e Funcionamento (NAU)
Free Course
Conheça os seus direitos e deveres enquanto cidadão da UE e descubra oportunidades de trabalho nas instituições europeias. A União Europeia mudou a vida das cidadãs e cidadãos europeus dos 27 Estados-Membros que a compõem. Trouxe novos direitos e oportunidades. Viajar, estudar, trabalhar e residir na União Europeia são [...]

The European Union: Crisis and Recovery (FutureLearn)

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The European Union: Crisis and Recovery (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
This course will develop your understanding of the recent history of the European Union and its prospects for the future. Learn about the recent challenges faced by the European Union. The fascinating course is designed to inform the public about the principal challenges that have faced the European Union [...]

Europe Without Borders? (edX)

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Europe Without Borders? (edX)
Course Auditing
A Europe that’s united and without borders is under threat. Can it survive the challenges presented by the eurozone crisis, Brexit and the COVID-19 outbreak? Do you wonder what the European Union is all about? What challenges does it face and can it survive them? How will the eurozone [...]

Understanding EU-Russia Relations: Foreign Policy Actors, Institutions and Policy-Making (UT)

The main aim of the course is to give students an introduction to and overview of the EU’s and Russia’s foreign policy actors, institutions and frameworks of both entities’ interactions. The course combines various formats of e-learning possibilities (video lectures, short audio podcasts, guest video interviews, skills workshops, etc.). [...]

De la granja a la mesa: La seguridad alimentaria en la Unión Europea (edX)

¿Es segura la comida que ingerimos? ¿Pueden volver a producirse situaciones como la crisis de las vacas locas o la crisis de los pepinos en la Unión Europea? En este MOOC analizaremos la regulación del Derecho de la UE para conseguir tal objetivo.

The EU and Human Rights (edX)

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The EU and Human Rights (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn how the EU affects your human rights and gain insights into the ways the EU can enhance its positive impact on human rights worldwide. Whether you are an EU citizen or not, this course concerns you! The EU is a major global actor in the field of human [...]

Why the European Union? A Brief History of European Integration (FutureLearn)

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Why the European Union? A Brief History of European Integration (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Learn about how and why the nations of the European Union (EU) cooperate in this free online course. On-going European crises have led to a state of confusion about the politics and purpose of the European Union (EU). Many EU citizens have discovered that what they believed the EU [...]

Towards Brexit? The UK's EU Referendum (FutureLearn)

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 Towards Brexit? The UK's EU Referendum (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Learn why the UK is holding an EU referendum, the issues at stake and what the result means, with this free online course. The UK will hold a referendum on whether to stay in or to leave the European Union on 23 June 2016. The EU can often be [...]