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Understanding Agribusiness, Value Chains, and Consumers in Global Food Systems (edX)

Learn about the dynamic business of food and agriculture, exploring value chain thinking and the role consumers play in our rapidly evolving food systems. Agribusiness is at the core of most economies around the world. The business of feeding people remains both complex and extremely important. According to the [...]

Introduction to Marketing (edX)

An introduction to the role of marketing in a competitive marketplace. Do you want to learn how successful businesses use marketing to increase revenue, share and profitability? In an increasingly competitive market, marketing skills are vital to help organizations stand out, win customers, build loyalty and sustain long term [...]

Revolucionar la cadena alimentaria mediante la tecnología (FutureLearn)

Explore cómo la tecnología y la digitalización pueden modificar el funcionamiento del sistema alimentario. Descubra cómo la tecnología podría revolucionar el sector alimentario. La calidad y la seguridad de los alimentos se ven cada vez más amenazadas, dado que los recursos naturales se están viendo desbordados por el cambio [...]

Managing Customer Relationships in the Digital Environment (edX)

Learn how to harness the power of Customer Lifetime Value concepts by applying them to firm value, selection of customers and loyalty programming. Turn your digital marketing data insights into customer insights and selection techniques through the application of customer lifetime value concepts. You will learn from marketing science [...]

Economics: Consumer Demand (edX)

Learn the fundamental economic principles of consumer demand and how the relationship between price, quantity and demand affect the market. Demand is a simple yet challenging concept that is essential to understanding how markets function. In this economics course, you will gain a solid understanding of demand, its underlying [...]

Microeconomic Principles: Decision-making Under Scarcity (edX)

Step into the fascinating realm of microeconomics – the study of how decisions are made. This course introduces you to microeconomics, the field of economics that studies the decision-making behavior of consumers and firms when their choices are constrained by scarcity. This principle of constrained decision-making is a major [...]

Principles of Marketing (

In this course, you will learn about the marketing process and examine the range of marketing decisions that an organization must make in order to sell its products and services. You will also learn how to think like a marketer, discovering that the focus of marketing has always been [...]