David Standen

A seasoned entrepreneur, business professor, trainer and coach, David Standen has practiced entrepreneurship in the USA, Europe and the Middle East. Throughout his career, David has worked extensively with fellow entrepreneurs across the globe on everything from an academic classroom to coaching, advising, and assisting during the start-up process. Since 2007 David has developed eleven business plans and has helped to raise over $24 million in start-up funding for clients.
More info here.

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Finanzas para profesionales no financieros (Coursera)

Tome las riendas de sus decisiones financieras y aprenda cómo estas repercuten sobre la rentabilidad de su unidad y su organización. En este curso, obtendrá información básica sobre conceptos contables y financieros que le permitirán impulsar el crecimiento de su organización.

Fundamentos del Emprendimiento: Pensamiento y Acción (Coursera)

El éxito en los negocios puede aumentar enormemente cuando se comprenden las características de emprendimiento claves y las soluciones basadas en las competencias. En este curso interactivo se brinda el conocimiento que los emprendedores potenciales necesitan para tener éxito en una oportunidad [...]

Essentials of Entrepreneurship: Thinking & Action (Coursera)

Success in business can be greatly enhanced with an understanding of key entrepreneurial characteristics and competencies solutions. This interactive course provides potential entrepreneurs with the knowledge of succeeding in an entrepreneurial opportunity. Topics include: how creativity, opportunity and feasibility are best evaluated; business strategies for new businesses; [...]

Finance for Non-Financial Professionals (Coursera)

Impact your financial decisions and learn how to affect the performance of your unit's profitability and of your organization. In this course gain a basic understanding of finance and accounting concepts to drive your organization's growth. Upon completion of this course, you will have gained general financial knowledge and [...]