Statistics & Data Analysis

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Applied Calculus with Python (Coursera)

This course is designed for the Python programmer who wants to develop the foundations of Calculus to help solve challenging problems as well as the student of mathematics looking to learn the theory and numerical techniques of applied calculus implemented in Python. By the end of this course, you [...]

Scripting with Python and SQL for Data Engineering (Coursera)

In this third course of the Python, Bash and SQL Essentials for Data Engineering Specialization, you will explore techniques to work effectively with Python and SQL. We will go through useful data structures in Python scripting and connect to databases like MySQL. Additionally, you will learn how to use [...]

Python and Pandas for Data Engineering (Coursera)

In this first course of the Python, Bash and SQL Essentials for Data Engineering Specialization, you will learn how to set up a version-controlled Python working environment which can utilize third party libraries. You will learn to use Python and the powerful Pandas library for data analysis and manipulation. [...]

Modeling Time Series and Sequential Data (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Modeling Time Series and Sequential Data (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course you learn to build, refine, extrapolate, and, in some cases, interpret models designed for a single, sequential series. There are three modeling approaches presented. The traditional, Box-Jenkins approach for modeling time series is covered in the first part of the course. This presentation moves students from [...]

Building a Large-Scale, Automated Forecasting System (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Building a Large-Scale, Automated Forecasting System (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course you learn to develop and maintain a large-scale forecasting project using SAS Visual Forecasting tools. Emphasis is initially on selecting appropriate methods for data creation and variable transformations, model generation, and model selection. Then you learn how to improve overall baseline forecasting performance by modifying default [...]

Creating Features for Time Series Data (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Creating Features for Time Series Data (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course focuses on data exploration, feature creation, and feature selection for time sequences. The topics discussed include binning, smoothing, transformations, and data set operations for time series, spectral analysis, singular spectrum analysis, distance measures, and motif analysis.

Fundamentos de Inteligência Artificial para Finanças (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Fundamentos de Inteligência Artificial para Finanças. Neste curso, você aprenderá que a transformação digital em Finanças é a reorganização e a remodelagem das funções financeiras e contábeis, utilizando a tecnologia para recriar sistemas operacionais e processos eficientes, que inclui substituir ou não os sistemas tradicionais [...]

Modelaje y Análisis con información georreferenciada (Coursera)

El curso modelaje y análisis con información georreferenciada busca que comprendas la diversidad y el potencial de los datos geográficos. En el curso podrás utilizarlos en ejemplos básicos para modelar, procesar y analizar problemas donde la ubicación juega un rol importante. Todo esto con el fin de encontrar soluciones [...]

Analítica financiera​ (Coursera)

Conforme las organizaciones complejizan sus modelos de negocios, se requieren más personas con habilidades en el análisis de datos y la construcción de modelos estadísticos que faciliten la toma de decisiones financieras en escenarios con riesgo. En este curso, se presenta una visión general de los métodos de analítica [...]

Introducción a la ciencia de datos aplicada (Coursera)

Este curso es una primera inmersión en el mundo de la ciencia de datos, en el cual el estudiante comprenderá los fundamentos de la ciencia de datos, las características de un científico de datos, las herramientas que utiliza, la metodología que se debe seguir para este estilo de proyectos, [...]