Food & Nutrition

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Rebuilding Our Relationship with Food (Coursera)

Have you ever made a conscious effort to change the way you eat (for health or other reasons) and then felt frustrated when your plans were derailed? You’re not alone. The best laid plans are often sabotaged by a food environment that makes it increasingly hard to make healthier [...]

Introduction to Food and Our Environment (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Introduction to Food and Our Environment (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is designed to help learners around the world become more sustainable eaters. Together, we’ll explore key topics, like how food production impacts the environment and why meat production and protein consumption are often at the center of the debate around sustainability. We’ll introduce the pros and cons [...]

Cooking for Busy Healthy People (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Cooking for Busy Healthy People (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Cooking is one of the most powerful ways in which we can optimize our enjoyment of great quality food while protecting our health. Even on a tight budget, cooking can be a cost-effective, joyful and rewarding way to love the food that will love us back for a lifetime. [...]

The New Nordic Diet - from Gastronomy to Health (Coursera)

The New Nordic Diet is a new food culture developed in 2009-13 with key emphasis on gastronomy, health, and environment. Major research in its effect on acceptability, behaviour and learning skills, and disease prevention have been conducted by the OPUS centre at the University of Copenhagen and the people [...]

Drainage in Agriculture: controlling water and salt levels in the soil (edX)

Get prepared for heavier rainfall and the increasing demand for food! The #1 Agricultural University of the world will teach you how to design and implement effective drainage systems in agriculture. You will learn how to create a perfect soil profile for optimal growing conditions for a crop and [...]

Sustainable Food Security: Food Access (edX)

Learn the basics of food access decision-making. In other words, who decides what ends up on your plate. Spoiler alert: it’s not just you! Have you ever considered that you’re not the only one who decides what food ends up on your plate? In this environmental studies course, you’ll [...]

Sustainable Food Security: The value of systems thinking (edX)

Learn how to solve the ‘Rubik’s cube’ of systems thinking and how it’s applied to improve the environmental sustainability of food production systems! Have you ever considered how many aspects of food production affect the natural environment? Every aspect needs to be considered in attaining the future goal to [...]

Family Spirit Nurture (Coursera)

This course is designed for health educators and home visitors serving families with infants 0-6 months old. Learners will gain knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on healthy infant nutrition and growth as well as maternal and family nutrition. This course is uniquely tailored towards Indigenous families [...]

Healthy Practices: Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Community and Family Participation (Coursera)

In this course you will find a comprehensive overlook of healthy practices in public schools in the USA, including: physical activity and nutrition in the school setting. We will review the basics of some of the regulatory programs found in the United States that support healthy students through nutrition [...]