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Rocket Science in Everyday Life (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Rocket Science in Everyday Life (Coursera)
Course Auditing
We encounter the results of rocket science all the time; from weather prediction to GPS navigation, rocket science has helped navigate our world in new, innovative ways. Rocket Science in Everyday Life explores innovations in rocket science, including the formation of space agencies, like NASA and the European Space [...]

Digitalisation in Space Research (Coursera)

This course provides an overview of the most important digital applications in the field of aerospace research. The course instructors discuss how digitalisation is impacting and changing both satellite-based and manned spaceflight research. One unit is specifically devoted to exploring the use of artificial intelligence in the evaluation of [...]

Kinematics: Describing the Motions of Spacecraft (Coursera)

The movement of bodies in space (like spacecraft, satellites, and space stations) must be predicted and controlled with precision in order to ensure safety and efficacy. Kinematics is a field that develops descriptions and predictions of the motion of these bodies in 3D space. This course in Kinematics covers [...]

Getting There and Going Beyond (Coursera)

Welcome to Course 2 - Getting There and Going Beyond. If you are here, you have successfully completed Course 1 (Our Place in the Cosmos) and are ready for more. There is so much more to learn in Course 2 with 40 learning objectives spread out over [...]

Analyzing the Universe (Coursera)

Using publicly available data from NASA of actual satellite observations of astronomical x-ray sources, we explore some of the mysteries of the cosmos, including neutron stars, black holes, quasars and supernovae. We will analyze energy spectra and time series data to understand how these incredible objects work. [...]

Remote Sensing of Wildfires (edX)

Learn how satellite imagery and the science of remote sensing allows us to detect wildfires, help manage their spread, and guide ecological restoration. Wildfires are a natural and essential part of our ecosystem, recycling soil nutrients and renewing healthy forests. In Alaska, around one million acres (4000 km2) burn [...]

Introduction to Satellite Communications (Coursera)

How is a satellite built? How do they fly? How do they communicate and how does the network operate? You will get all the answers in this course from teachers and researchers from three schools associated with Institut Mines-Télécom. The course is made of : teaching videos, equipment demonstrations [...]

Earth Observation from Space: the Optical View (FutureLearn)

Discover how optical Earth observation data is gathered and used in this free online course from the European Space Agency (ESA). Earth observation (EO) encompasses a series of techniques that use remote sensing to monitor changes to our climate, and natural and built environment.