Project-Based Learning

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Teaching with Physical Computing: Soft skills, teamwork and the wider curriculum (edX)

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the ‘non-technical’ elements that make Project-Based Learning an important addition to STEM & Computing classrooms, and how to integrate them into your teaching. Brought to you by Arm, this course covers all the non-technological elements of Project-Based Learning. This includes soft skills such as [...]

Teaching with Physical Computing: Practical application and classroom strategies for PBL (edX)

This course guides you in using real-world problems to spark your learners’ creativity and empower them to develop their own solutions using Physical Computing. Brought to you by Arm, this course guides you through the practical application of Project-Based Learning (PBL) theory using a range of tools and [...]

Teaching with Physical Computing: Introduction to Project-Based Learning (edX)

This course introduces the fundamental concepts underpinning Project-Based Learning, and how you can apply it with programmable devices to bring STEM & Computing to life in the classroom. Arm’s first professional development course introduces you to the core elements of physical computing. This includes common Arm-based hardware platforms such [...]

Teaching with Physical Computing, Course 2: Practical application and classroom strategies for PBL (edX)

This course guides teachers through Project-Based Learning (PBL) pedagogy, practical application and supporting educational theoretical principles. The second course in our program for Computer Science teachers, Teaching with Physical Computing, guides you through the practical application of Project-Based Learning (PBL) theory using a range of tools and [...]

Teaching with Physical Computing, Course 1: Introduction to Project-Based Learning (edX)

This course introduces teachers to Physical Computing and the concepts underpinning Project-Based Learning. The first course in our program for Computer Science teachers, Teaching with Physical Computing , introduces you to the core elements of physical computing such as common hardware platforms, as well as the learning theories, [...]

Teaching with Physical Computing, Course 4: Soft skills, teamwork and the wider curriculum (edX)

This course provides teachers with a comprehensive exploration of the role of Project-Based Learning in supporting the development of soft skills, and its place in the curriculum. The fourth and final course in our program for Computer Science teachers, Teaching with Physical Computing , covers all the non-technological elements [...]

Teaching with Physical Computing: Assessment of Project-Based Learning (edX)

Self Paced
Teaching with Physical Computing: Assessment of Project-Based Learning (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn how to confidently and effectively use assessment in Project-Based Learning. Brought to you by Arm, this course focuses on an aspect of Project-Based Learning that teachers often find challenging: how to assess it effectively.