Game Theory

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Industrial Organization: Strategy and Competition in Business (Coursera)

Industrial Organization is the area of economics that studies the markets as institutions, the state of competition and strategic interaction among firms, the industrial policy and the business decisions firms make within the market framework. The course looks at the markets from three different perspectives: the economic theory, the [...]

Теория игр (Game Theory) (Coursera)

Теория игр изучает принципы принятия решений в условиях стратегического взаимодействия нескольких агентов — людей, компаний или правительств. Курс будет интересен желающим разобраться в том, как конкурируют друг с другом несколько компаний и можно ли гарантированно выиграть в шашки, есть ли смысл угрожать на переговорах и с кем стоит объединяться [...]

Understanding Human Behaviour: Introduction to Game Theory and Shared Resources (FutureLearn)

Explore the issues humans face when sharing and cooperating, and use game theory, models, and simulations to identify solutions. ​​Expand your understanding of social sciences. This four-week course will help you explore why sharing goods or tasks is difficult. You’ll enrich your understanding of the problems people have when [...]

Machine Learning (Udacity)

Supervised, Unsupervised & Reinforcement. Machine Learning is a graduate-level course covering the area of Artificial Intelligence concerned with computer programs that modify and improve their performance through experiences. The first part of the course covers Supervised Learning, a machine learning task that makes it possible for your phone to [...]

Networks, Crowds and Markets (edX)

Explore the critical questions posed by how the social, economic, and technological realms of the modern world interconnect.