Forensic Science

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La science forensique au tribunal: témoin digne de foi? (Coursera)

Dec 2nd 2024
La science forensique au tribunal: témoin digne de foi? (Coursera)
Course Auditing
L’objectif de ce cours est d’encourager la réflexion critique en ce qui concerne la « science forensique », également appelée police technique et scientifique ou criminalistique. À l’heure actuelle, de manière générale, la plupart des gens sont fascinés par les possibilités techniques qu’offre la police scientifique. Ils sont bercés [...]

Challenging Forensic Science: How Science Should Speak to Court (Coursera)

The aim of this course is to promote critical thinking with regard to forensic science. Today, in general, most people are dazzled by the technical possibilities offered by forensic science. They somewhat live in the illusion that forensic evidence is fool proof and brings factual findings with 100% certainty. [...]

Introduction to Forensic Science (Coursera)

We have all seen forensic scientists in TV shows, but how do they really work? What is the science behind their work? The course aims to explain the scientific principles and techniques behind the work of forensic scientists and will be illustrated with numerous case studies from Singapore and [...]

Forensic Science: DNA Analysis (edX)

With an introduction to both genetics and forensic science, this course will show you the role of DNA in criminal investigations. Case studies illustrate how forensic investigations have changed with advances in genetics and how future developments will affect criminals and investigators.

The Science Behind Forensic Science (FutureLearn)

Jun 24th 2024
The Science Behind Forensic Science (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Get an introduction to the science of forensic science and discover how it's applied in the real world. Discover the biology and chemistry behind forensic science. How does forensic science really work? How are scientific principles applied in crime scenes? Answer these questions and more with this course from [...]

Forensic Psychology: Witness Investigation (FutureLearn)

Dec 19th 2022
Forensic Psychology: Witness Investigation (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
How important are eyewitness testimonies in police investigations? Discover how forensic psychology prevents criminal injustice. Become a forensic psychologist and help solve crimes using eyewitness evidence. Have you ever questioned how reliable your own mind is? In this 8-week forensic psychology course, you’ll learn how the mind plays tricks [...]

Forensic Engineering: Learning from Failures (edX)

Don’t let good failures go to waste! Identify the causes of failure and use this knowledge to enhance safety and improve performance. What do collapsed buildings, infected hospital patients, and crashed airplanes have in common? If you know the causes of these events and conditions, they can all be [...]

Decoding Forensics for Legal Professionals (FutureLearn)

Feb 28th 2022
Decoding Forensics for Legal Professionals (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Delve into forensic science and examine its limitations to better understand how to use forensics in criminal trials. Explore the basics of forensic pathology. Explore commonly relied on disciplines in forensics. Today, forensic evidence is integral to criminal investigations and trials. Therefore, it is important for legal professionals to [...]

Introduction to Forensic Science (FutureLearn)

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Introduction to Forensic Science (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore the methods underpinning forensic science, from crime scene investigation to reporting evidential value within a case. The course addresses four major evidence types: drugs of abuse, DNA, firearms and impression evidence, and discusses these through the exploration of a case-based scenario presented across a six-week modular [...]

Forensic Facial Reconstruction: Finding Mr. X (FutureLearn)

Sep 21st 2020
Forensic Facial Reconstruction: Finding Mr. X (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn about the forensic technique of facial reconstruction from the experts involved in a real crime case. On Saturday 22 January 2000, two men found a small holdall, abandoned on an industrial estate in the north of Sheffield. Upon opening the bag they made a gruesome discovery. A badly [...]