The DIY Musician Specialization

With social media platforms and powerful recording technology at your fingertips, it’s easier now than ever before to create music and share it with your fans. But where do you begin and how do you get started? This specialization will take you through the process of writing, recording, and producing your own music in order to gain the practical skills you need to record music within ProTools, which is the industry standard Digital Audio Workstation. You’ll also work to develop an artist identity, vision, and brand for your music and learn how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign to fund your music career.
Tools and techniques to write more compelling songs.
Develop your identity and vision as an artist.
U​se ProTools to record and produce your original music.
Strategies to p​lan, launch, and manage a successful crowdfunding campaign.

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The Art of Music Production (Coursera)

Jan 13th 2025
The Art of Music Production (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Explore the art of record production and how to make recordings that other people will love listening to. This course will teach you how to make emotionally moving recordings on almost any recording equipment, including your phone or laptop. The emphasis is on mastering tangible artistic concepts; the gear [...]

Pro Tools Basics (Coursera)

Producing music is an incredibly creative process, and knowing the tools of the trade is essential in order to transmit the musical ideas in your head into the DAW in a creative and uninhibited way. Whether you have used a computer to create music before, or you have [...]

Building Your Career in Music: Developing A Brand and Funding Your Music (Coursera)

This course shares practical tips and strategies to help you take your first step into launching your career as a musical artist. We’ll cover everything from developing your unique identity as an artist and how to lead a band all the way to planning and recording your first independent [...]

Songwriting: Writing the Lyrics (Coursera)

There’s a songwriter lurking somewhere inside you, peeking around corners, wondering if it’s safe to come out. Now it is. This course is an invitation to let your inner songwriter step into the sunlight. All it takes is a simple “yes” and you’ll be climbing that windy hill, marveling [...]