Distribution Channels

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Marketing Channel Governance (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Marketing Channel Governance (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is ideal for individuals who currently work in or are targeting opportunities in consulting and strategy, industrial sales and buying, marketing management, entrepreneurship and business development. In this course you will gain a framework for analyzing how much warmth/friendship/socialization is needed for a range of business relationship [...]

Gestión del canal de distribución y retailing (Coursera)

Hoy en día la estrategia de distribución es parte del ADN de muchas empresas y la gestión correcta de la misma es fundamental para el éxito de tu producto o servicio. Los canales necesitan ser planificados a largo plazo combinando las siguientes áreas principalmente: perfil de compañía, estructura de [...]

Channel Management and Retailing (Coursera)

Understand how channel management and retailing can improve performance in your business. Nowadays, a distribution strategy is part of the DNA of many companies and a correct channel management is key for the success of your product. Distribution plans need to be prepared for the long run, combining [...]