Architectural Design

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Data Warehouse Concepts, Design, and Data Integration (Coursera)

This is the second course in the Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence specialization. Ideally, the courses should be taken in sequence. In this course, you will learn exciting concepts and skills for designing data warehouses and creating data integration workflows. These are fundamental skills for data warehouse developers [...]

Introduction to Architecting Smart IoT Devices (Coursera)

Embedded Systems are so ubiquitous that some of us take them for granted: we find them in smartphones, GPS systems, airplanes and so on. But have you ever wondered how these devices actually work? If so, you're in the right place! In this course, you'll learn about the characteristics [...]

Action Learning for Inclusion (POK)

Architecture and planning education with marginalised communities. The Course explains how to develop planning, urban and architectural design teaching or training initiatives with an action-oriented approach, by describing the meaning, and possible methods and tools of Action Learning. It focuses specifically on the engagement with vulnerable and marginalised [...]

Models in Architecture – design through physical & digital models (edX)

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Models in Architecture – design through physical & digital models (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn to develop your architectural designs by using scale models as well as Virtual Reality representations. Physical and digital design skills are key to practitioners in art, design, and engineering, as well as many other creative professions. Models are essential in architecture. In design practice all kinds of physical [...]