Urban Planning

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Sustainable Transportation Networks and Streetscapes (Coursera)

This course will evaluate best practices in transportation networks, thoroughfares, and streetscape designs for the effective movement of people, goods, and services in a region. Sustainable public and private streetscape design and application will be reviewed and evaluated for applications for sustainable cities. Considerations are assessed for smart urban [...]

Urban Air Mobility (Coursera)

Sneak preview: The course modules will be gradually expanded over the next few weeks and new videos and quizzes will be added to further expand the existing course. // This course is primarily aimed at master students and phd-candidates interested in exploring new fields in aerospace. The course gives [...]

African cities : An Introduction to Urban Planning (Coursera)

This course teached the basics of urban planning in Africa through technical, environmental, social and economical dimensions. It focuses on African cities only. Although, they exemplify well cities in the Global South, and potentially all cities, we will make the African context highly topical.

Mobilité et urbanisme (Coursera)

Le cours présente un tour d’horizon introductif des interactions entre la mobilité et les dynamiques urbaines. Il propose des outils méthodologiques et opérationnels permettant d’appréhender et de réguler la mobilité.

Reclaiming the Street for Livable Urban Spaces (Coursera)

In Reclaiming the Street, you will learn about the mechanisms of change and challenges you to apply this knowledge to start creating vibrant streetscapes in your neighbourhood. This six week course will guide you through seminal academic work on the topics of transition management and street experiments while providing [...]

Unraveling the Cycling City (Coursera)

Obscured by its apparent simplicity, cycling is a complex phenomenon. Being an almost perfect human-machine hybrid, cycling is deeply rooted in a plethora of socio-technological systems. Around the world cycling is embraced as an important ingredient to tackle a wide variety of individual and societal challenges. The Netherlands is [...]

Urban Climate Governance Towards 1.5 Degrees (Coursera)

Sep 9th 2024
Urban Climate Governance Towards 1.5 Degrees (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to this course where you will explore how cities can and are addressing the climate crisis. In this course we will explore the science behind the 1.5°C goal, as well as useful local governance and technical tools to help cities align to it. This course will highlight the [...]

Urbanisation and Health - Promoting Sustainable Solutions (Coursera)

More than half of world’s population lives in cities while only 5% did so in the 18th century. The rapid urbanisation has resulted in for example inadequate infrastructure, physical inactivity, gentrification, air pollution, and growing numbers of slum dwellers. All factors challenging health and wellbeing of the people living [...]