Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Operations Professional (Udacity)

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Operations Professional (Udacity)
Free Course
No prerequisites required for this course. Anyone who is interested in learning the basics of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure can enroll.

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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Operations Professional (Udacity)
Learn operational activities in the OCI ecosystem. This course covers some of the day-to-day operational activities that you might find yourself managing in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure ecosystem like managing custom images, describing scaling options, billing, managing accounts, troubleshooting, and more.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

This course is going to walk you through some of the day-to-day operational activities that you might find yourself managing in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure ecosystem.

- Use OCI CLI to create, discover, and terminate resources.

- Create shell scripts using OCI CLI.

- Use Oracle Resource Manager.

- Provision a simple set of OCI resources with Ansible.

- Manage custom images.

- Network Security Architecture: VCN, Load balancer, and DNS.

- Describe scaling options.

- Billing and account management options in OCI Console.

- Troubleshoot.

What you will learn


- Interact with OCI: Console, CLI, SDK, and API.

- Learn about OCI CLI authentication and syntax.

Resource & Configuration Management

- Understand configuration management.

- Learn about Ansible with OCI.

- Study Terraform (configuration, install, and plan).

- Explore OCI Resource Manager.

Common Operational Activities

- Explore OS management with Windows and Oracle Linux.

- Learn the concept of load balancing.

- Explore OCI Traffic Management Service.

- Differentiate between block storage and file storage.

- Explore OCI Object Storage Service.

- Learn about replication, versioning, retention rules, and security.

Troubleshooting & Disaster Recovery

- Troubleshoot compute via diagnostic interrrupt.

- Troubleshoot compute performance.

- Explore private connectivity: IPSec VPN and FastConnect.

- Troubleshoot load balancers, backend set, and shared block volumes.

- Troubleshoot file storage instances and orphaned mount targets.

Identity & Access Management

- Get introduced to IAM.

- Differentiate between AuthZ and AuthN.

- Learn common policies and conditional policies.

- Learn dynamic groups, federation, and identity domains.

Security Services

- Explore Cloud Guard (concepts, problems, recipes, and notifications).

- Learn about Security Zones and Security Advisor.

- Learn encryption basics.

- Explore Vaults, keys, and secrets.

- Explore Bastion, WAF, vulnerability scanning, and certificates.

Observability & Management

- Get introduced to observability.

- Learn about monitoring (notification services, metrics, and alarms).

- Learn about logging services.

- Access, search, and explore logs.

Billing & Cost Management

- Understand cost analysis.

- Calculate and optimize cost (compute, block, file, object storage, and networking).

- Learn about software licensing models.

Governance & Administration

- Manage service limits and quotas.

- Learn about Cloud Advisor and organization management.

Prepare for OCI Operations Professional Certification

- Prep for certification.

- Practice sample exam questions.

Continue Your Journey

- What's next?

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course
No prerequisites required for this course. Anyone who is interested in learning the basics of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure can enroll.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.