The Law of Attraction: 10 Steps to Transform Your Life & Achieve Your Dreams (Skillshare)

The Law of Attraction: 10 Steps to Transform Your Life & Achieve Your Dreams (Skillshare)
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The Law of Attraction: 10 Steps to Transform Your Life & Achieve Your Dreams (Skillshare)
This is one of the most complete courses on the Law of Attraction, created and presented with the intention of providing anyone the tools and complete insights to why the law of attraction can work every single time. The course is a step-by-step process presenting a full understanding about human beings and their limitations, while guiding towards the principles that can empower the soul to make any dream come true.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

You Will Learn to:

- The 10 steps to achieve anything in life

- The most well-kept secrets about alchemy

- The most ancient secrets about the power of the mind

- How to change yourself and the world at the same time

- How to be spiritual and wealthy too

- How to fulfill your dreams while being religiously devoted

- Why God wants you to be successful in life

Target Audience:

- Anyone interested in learning more about the law of attraction

- Anyone interested in understanding why the law of attraction doesn’t work for everyone

- Anyone interested in becoming more successful in life

- Ambitious business owners and entrepreneurs

- Anyone wanting to be financially independent

- Life Coaches, Motivational Speakers and Therapists

- Health Professionals in general

Write 10 dreams in a paper before the course begin;

When you finish the course, write your most visible limitations.

Then write a plan showing how you intend to overcome your limitations.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.