LOGYCA is an organization with 30 years in the market. It leads innovation through the collaborative work for communities’ development that generates value through the adoption of standards and the introduction of best practices between companies.
With more than 1,500 members and 118,000 customers, users of the GS1 system, products loaded to the collaboration catalog, the objective of the organization is to foment the logistic development in Latin America, which is one of the most powerful weapons for the generation of competitive advantages and increase of the general profitability of the economy.
LOGYCA has a unique infrastructure in the world where companies and students can learn and experience logistics, test their processes and evaluate alternatives before taking business decisions.
LOGYCA and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Center for Transportation and Logistics (MIT-CTL) founded The Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation in 2008. The Organization is a member for Latin America of the MIT Global SCALE Network, an international partnership comprised of logistics centers devoted to the development of value networks and logistics excellence through innovation in research and education. LOGYCA has an ideal scenario for develope three main activities: applied researching, knowledge dissemination and the management of a network of strategic and academic allies in the region.
Standards, collaboration and best logistical practices are the themes around which LOGYCA seeks efficiency in value networks, which have been transformed over the years.

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E-commerce logistics and Last Mile (edX)

High demand in the E-commerce market and the transportation of products are very important factors in customer satisfaction. From the moment the product is picked up at the store until it reaches the final client, it goes through different stages where the utmost care is needed. It is a [...]

Purchase management (edX)

Self Paced
Purchase management (edX)
Course Auditing
On this online course you will find all necessary tools o correctly plan demand, and you will acquire knowledge for forecasting, strategic sourcing, management and provider evaluation. For a company to function properly it must have a permanent supply of raw materials and goods; if sourcing is done efficiently, [...]

Inventory and Portfolio Management (edX)

Self Paced
Inventory and Portfolio Management (edX)
Course Auditing
In this online course you will learn how to correctly store your products through a collaborative inventory management strategy which will allow you to have optimal processes at the time of delivery for your final clients. Inventory is also company money, materialized in supplies towards the elaboration of products [...]

Logistics Fundamentals (edX)

Self Paced
Logistics Fundamentals (edX)
Course Auditing
Have you ever wondered how products arrive at your hands? From the clothes we wear to the food we consume, they have been through a series of links, processes, operations and flows we know as logistics. Logistics are the first trait for a company’s success! Learn all about logistics [...]
Self Paced
Course Auditing
25.00 EUR

Identificación de dispositivos médicos (UDI) (edX)

Self Paced
Identificación de dispositivos médicos (UDI) (edX)
Course Auditing
Dentro de los servicios de salud, existe todo un gran proceso de logística, con el fin que lleguen los insumos a manos del paciente en el momento correcto, en perfecto estado y con la confianza de poder utilizarlo. Para lograrlo, hemos desarrollado un proceso de estandarización que permita generar [...]

Logística resiliente (edX)

Self Paced
Logística resiliente (edX)
Course Auditing
Aprende a transformar la visión logística para hacerla resiliente, a través de la colaboración y la gestión del riesgo para continuar los procesos pese a las disrupciones. Sabemos que la cadena de suministro afronta interrupciones debido a los diferentes eventos a los que se encuentra expuesta desde crisis globales [...]

Fundamentos de Logística Humanitaria (edX)

Self Paced
Fundamentos de Logística Humanitaria (edX)
Course Auditing
Aprenderemos a gestionar las emergencias a través del proceso de logística humanitaria, conoceremos desde los conceptos básicos relacionados con desastres hasta las herramientas tecnológicas que se usan para atender de manera eficaz estas situaciones. En este curso aprenderemos acerca del funcionamiento de la logística humanitaria, conceptos básicos y como [...]
Self Paced
Course Auditing
44.00 EUR

Logística Ecommerce y Ultima Milla (edX)

Self Paced
Logística Ecommerce y Ultima Milla (edX)
Course Auditing
Una alta demanda del consumidor en los canales ecommerce hace que la logística de entrega en la puerta de su casa se convierta en un factor muy importante para lograr una alta satisfacción y posible recompra.

Trazabilidad: la clave de la eficiencia logística (edX)

Self Paced
Trazabilidad: la clave de la eficiencia logística (edX)
Course Auditing
La trazabilidad permite una mayor calidad, eficiencia y transparencia, en el seguimiento de un producto y/o activo a lo largo de su red de valor. Además, el intercambio y el uso de los datos permite el desarrollo de soluciones que mejoran la seguridad y confianza entre todos los socios de negocio.

Logística agrícola sostenible (edX)

Self Paced
Logística agrícola sostenible (edX)
Course Auditing
Aprende las tendencias en el sector agrícola, las buenas prácticas agroindustriales y la optimización de procesos a lo largo de la red de valor. De acuerdo con la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura - FAO-, se espera que para el 2050 la producción [...]
Self Paced
Course Auditing
21.00 EUR